ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q


祁小燕, 施渭彬, 汪海宏, 张志雄, 徐有秋. 兔心室肌细胞电生理异质性研究--缺血对动作电位和钾流的影响[J]. 生理学报 2000; 52 (5): 360-364.

Qi Xiaoyan, Shi Weibin, Wang Haihong, Zhang Zhixiong, Xu Youqiu. A study on the electrophysiological heterogeneity of rabbit ventricular myocytes--The effects of ischemia on action potentials and potassium currents. Acta Physiol Sin 2000; 52 (5): 360-364 (in Chinese with English abstract).