孟维伟, 邵琪, 邵文威, 李晓红*
天津大学医学工程与转化医学研究院,天津 300072
神经同步活动被认为是神经系统信息处理的关键。脑内存在多种不同频段的局部同步活动和区域间同步活动,这些神经同步活动与多种行为和认知功能相关。记忆作为脑的高级认知功能,其形成和巩固的过程与神经同步活动关系密切。本文主要从体内非快速眼动(non-rapid eye movement, NREM)睡眠期间多个脑区间的神经振荡活动以及体外培养神经网络的同步爆发活动两个层面综述了神经同步活动与记忆巩固关系的研究进展,分析了当前研究存在的问题,并对今后的相关研究作出展望。
Research progress on the relationship between neural synchronization activity and memory consolidation during non-rapid eye movement sleep
MENG Wei-Wei, SHAO Qi, SHAO Wen-Wei, LI Xiao-Hong*
Academy of Medical Engineering and Translational Medicine, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
Neural synchronization activity is considered a key aspect of information processing in the nervous system. Local synchronization within different frequency ranges and inter-regional synchronization are ubiquitous and related to various behavioral and cognitive functions. As memory is a higher cognitive function of the brain, the formation and consolidation of memory are closely related to neural synchronization activity. This article provides an overview of the research progress on the relationship between neural synchronization activity and memory consolidation, focusing primarily on the neuro-oscillatory activities across multiple brain regions during non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep in vivo, as well as the synchronous burst activity in cultured neural networks in vitro. Finally, we analyzed the existing issues in current research and provided a perspective on future relevant studies.
Key words: neural synchronization activity; memory consolidation; synchronous bursts; neural oscillations
收稿日期: 录用日期:
通讯作者:李晓红 E-mail: xhli18@tju.edu.cn
DOI: 10.13294/j.aps.2023.0082
孟维伟, 邵琪, 邵文威, 李晓红. 非快速眼动睡眠期间神经同步活动与记忆巩固关系研究进展[J]. 生理学报 2024; 76 (1): 119-127.
MENG Wei-Wei, SHAO Qi, SHAO Wen-Wei, LI Xiao-Hong. Research progress on the relationship between neural synchronization activity and memory consolidation during non-rapid eye movement sleep. Acta Physiol Sin 2024; 76 (1): 119-127 (in Chinese with English abstract).