朱若灵1, 王胜南1, 李利1, 林雪婷1, 田小利2, 吴磊1,*
1南昌大学公共卫生学院,江西省预防医学重点实验室,南昌 330006;2南昌大学生命科学学院,南昌 330038
本研究旨在构建老年人活力评估指标体系,编制老年人综合活力评估量表,为促进“积极老龄化”和“健康老龄化”的实现提供参考依据。通过文献研究法和深度访谈法搜集老年人活力敏感指标;通过德尔菲专家咨询法(Delphi法)、经典测量理论条目分析法、因子分析法、信效度分析法对指标进行筛选修正;通过层次分析法对各层级指标权重进行计算。结果显示,构建的老年人活力量表包括一级指标4个、二级指标24个;各层级指标一致性检验结果显示,一致性指标(consistency index, CI)和随机一致性比率(consistent ratio, CR)均小于0.1,符合要求,一致性较为满意,运动活力、营养活力、心理活力和社会活力的权重分别为0.263、0.141、0.455和0.141。综上,本研究所构建的老年人活力量表具有一定的可靠性和科学性,能够对老年人活力水平进行初步评估。
Development of comprehensive vitality scale for the elderly based on classical test theory and analytic hierarchy process
ZHU Ruo-Ling1, WANG Sheng-Nan1, LI Li1, LIN Xue-Ting1, TIAN Xiao-Li2, WU Lei1,*
1School of Public Health, Jiangxi Medical College, Nanchang University; Jiangxi Provincial Key Laboratory of Preventive Medicine, Jiangxi Medical College, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330006, China;2College of Life Sciences, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330038, China
The present study aims to construct an elderly vitality index evaluation system and develop a comprehensive vitality evaluation scale for the elderly to reasonably evaluate the vitality level of the elderly in China, so as to provide a reference for promoting the realization of “active aging” and “healthy aging”. Literature research and in-depth interview were used to collect the senile vitality sensitive indexes. The indexes were screened and corrected by Delphi expert consultation method, item analysis method based on classical test theory, factor analysis method, and reliability and validity analysis method. The analytic hierarchy process was used to calculate the weight of each level of indexes. An elderly vitality evaluation system including 4 first-level indexes and 24 second-level indexes was constructed. The consistency test results of all levels of indicators showed that the consistency index (CI) and consistent ratio (CR) were both less than 0.1, which met the requirements and showed satisfactory consistency. The weights of exercise vitality, nutritional vitality, psychological vitality and social vitality were 0.263, 0.141, 0.455 and 0.141, respectively. In conclusion, the comprehensive vitality scale constructed for the Chinese elderly is reliable and scientific, and can be used to evaluate the vitality of the elderly.
Key words: vitality; the elderly; scaling; testing of validity and reliability
收稿日期: 录用日期:
通讯作者:吴磊 E-mail: leiwu@ncu.edu.cn
DOI: 10.13294/j.aps.2023.0085
朱若灵, 王胜南, 李利, 林雪婷, 田小利, 吴磊. 基于经典测量理论和层次分析法的老年人综合活力量表的编制[J]. 生理学报 2023; 75 (6): 927-936.
ZHU Ruo-Ling, WANG Sheng-Nan, LI Li, LIN Xue-Ting, TIAN Xiao-Li, WU Lei. Development of comprehensive vitality scale for the elderly based on classical test theory and analytic hierarchy process. Acta Physiol Sin 2023; 75 (6): 927-936 (in Chinese with English abstract).