汤琳琳1, 尤浩军1,2, 雷静1,2,*
1延安大学感觉与运动疾病转化医学研究中心,延安 716000;2延安市运动康复医学重点实验室,延安 716000
帕金森病(Parkinson’s disease, PD)是一种以运动迟缓、静止性震颤和渐进性僵直为主要临床特征的中枢神经系统退行性疾病。近年来,PD患者的非运动症状,例如疼痛、抑郁和焦虑及自主神经功能障碍等,已逐渐引起科研和临床工作者的重视。作为PD非运动症状之一的疼痛,其发生率高且出现时间早。由于PD相关的病理性痛的产生机制不清,临床对其治疗尚局限在简单的对症治疗,且疗效不佳。本文对PD病理性痛的特点、发生机制及临床治疗进行了综述,探讨了PD病理性痛的慢性化机制,希望为PD病理性痛治疗药物和干预措施的研究提供有益资料。
Progress on the mechanism and treatment of Parkinson's disease-related pathological pain
TANG Lin-Lin1, YOU Hao-Jun1,2, LEI Jing1,2,*
1Center for Translational Medicine Research on Sensory-Motor Diseases, Yan’an University, Yan’an 716000, China;2Key Laboratory of Yan’an Sports Rehabilitation Medicine, Yan’an 716000, China
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a common neurodegenerative disease characterized by motor symptoms, including bradykinesia, resting tremor, and progressive rigidity. More recently, non-motor symptoms of PD, such as pain, depression and anxiety, and autonomic dysfunction, have attracted increasing attention from scientists and clinicians. As one of non-motor symptoms, pain has high prevalence and early onset feature. Because the mechanism of PD-related pathological pain is unclear, the clinical therapy for treating PD-related pathological pain is very limited, with a focus on relieving the symptoms. This paper reviewed the clinical features, pathogenesis, and therapeutic strategies of PD-related pathological pain and discussed the mechanism of the chronicity of PD-related pathological pain, hoping to provide useful data for the study of drugs and clinical intervention for PD-related pathological pain.
Key words: Parkinson’s disease; pain; endogenous descending pain modulation; thalamus
收稿日期: 录用日期:
通讯作者:雷静 E-mail: jinglei_2000@126.com
汤琳琳, 尤浩军, 雷静. 帕金森病的病理性痛机制与治疗进展[J]. 生理学报 2023; 75 (4): 595-603.
TANG Lin-Lin, YOU Hao-Jun, LEI Jing. Progress on the mechanism and treatment of Parkinson's disease-related pathological pain. Acta Physiol Sin 2023; 75 (4): 595-603 (in Chinese with English abstract).