王秀志1,2,3, 宋颖超1,2,3, 苏乾4, 梁猛1,2,3,*
1天津医科大学医学技术学院,天津 300203;2天津医科大学医学影像学院,天津 300203;3天津医科大学天津市功能影像重点实验室,天津 300203;4天津医科大学肿瘤医院分子影像及核医学诊疗科,天津 300060
本文旨在探索痛觉相异于触觉所诱发的脑负激活随刺激强度变化的特异模式。采集62名健康受试者在不同感知强度的痛觉和触觉刺激条件下的功能磁共振成像(functional magnetic resonance imaging, fMRI)数据,首先利用一般线性模型(general linear model)检测不同条件下的fMRI脑激活;其次,使用双因素方差分析检验刺激感知强度(因素1:高强度、低强度)和刺激模态(因素2:痛觉、触觉)对脑负激活的影响是否有显著交互作用。结果显示,刺激感知强度与刺激模态对左内侧额上回、左侧枕中回、左侧额上回和右侧枕中回负激活的影响存在显著交互作用(P < 0.05,团块水平FWE校正)。低感知强度痛觉刺激所诱发的负激活(β = −3.38 ± 0.52)显著强于高感知强度痛觉刺激(β = −1.22 ± 0.54) (P < 0.001),而不同感知强度的触觉刺激所诱发的负激活之间无显著差异。此外,相同感知强度的痛觉刺激和触觉刺激所诱发的负激活之间无显著差异。上述结果提示,痛觉刺激在左内侧额上回等多个脑区所诱发的负激活与刺激强度之间的关系具有特异性,这为深入理解痛觉感知的脑机制提供了证据。
Characterization of brain deactivations elicited by transient painful and tactile stimuli using functional MRI
WANG Xiu-Zhi1,2,3, SONG Ying-Chao1,2,3, SU Qian4, LIANG Meng1,2,3,*
1School of Medical Technology, Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin 300203, China;2School of Medical Imaging, Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin 300203, China;3Tianjin Key Laboratory of Functional Imaging, Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin 300203, China;4Department of Molecular Imaging and Nuclear Medicine, Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute and Hospital, Tianjin 300060, China
The aim of the present study was to explore the specific pattern of brain deactivation elicited by painful stimuli, in contrast with that elicited by tactile stimuli. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data were collected from 62 healthy subjects under painful and tactile stimuli with varying intensities. The brain deactivations under different conditions were identified using the general linear model. Two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to test whether there was a significant interaction between perceived stimulus intensity (factor 1: high intensity, low intensity) and stimulus modality (factor 2: pain, touch) on the brain deactivations. The results showed that there were significant interactions between stimulus intensity and stimulus modality on the deactivations of left medial superior frontal gyrus, left middle occipital gyrus, left superior frontal gyrus and right middle occipital gyrus (P < 0.05, Cluster-level FWE). The deactivations induced by painful stimuli with low perceived intensity (β = −3.38 ± 0.52) were significantly stronger than those induced by painful stimuli with high perceived intensity (β = −1.22 ± 0.54) (P < 0.001), whereas the differences between the deactivations induced by tactile stimuli with different perceived intensities were not statistically significant. In addition, there were no significant differences between the deactivations elicited by painful and tactile stimuli with the same stimulus intensities. These results suggest that there is a specific relationship between the deactivations induced by painful stimuli in multiple brain regions (such as the left medial superior frontal gyrus) and the stimulus intensity, providing evidence for a deeper understanding of the brain mechanisms underlying pain perception.
Key words: functional magnetic resonance imaging; brain deactivation; pain; stimulus intensity
收稿日期: 录用日期:
通讯作者:梁猛 E-mail: liangmeng@tmu.edu.cn
王秀志, 宋颖超, 苏乾, 梁猛. 基于功能磁共振成像的痛觉与触觉脑负激活研究[J]. 生理学报 2023; 75 (4): 521-528.
WANG Xiu-Zhi, SONG Ying-Chao, SU Qian, LIANG Meng. Characterization of brain deactivations elicited by transient painful and tactile stimuli using functional MRI. Acta Physiol Sin 2023; 75 (4): 521-528 (in Chinese with English abstract).