ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



张海森1,2, 李超1,2, 李雅婷1,2, 靳亚平1,2, 刘伟1,2, 陈华涛1,2,*

1西北农林科技大学动物医学院临床兽医系,杨凌 712100;2西北农林科技大学农业农村部动物生物技术重点实验室,杨凌 712100



关键词: 昼夜节律; 肠道菌群; 能量代谢; 代谢产物; 进食节律

Research progress on the regulation of mammalian energy metabolism by the  circadian clock system and gut microbiota

HANG Hai-Sen1,2, LI Chao1,2, LI Ya-Ting1,2, JIN Ya-Ping1,2, LIU Wei1,2, CHEN Hua-Tao1,2,*

1Department of Clinical Veterinary Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100, China;2Key Laboratory of Animal Biotechnology of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100, China


The mammalian internal circadian clock system has been evolved to adapt to the diurnal changes in the internal and external environment of the organism to regulate diverse physiological functions, such as the sleep-wake cycle and feeding rhythm, thereby coordinating the rhythmic changes of energy demand and nutrition supply in each diurnal cycle. The circadian clock regulates glucose metabolism, lipid metabolism, and hormones secretion in diverse tissues and organs, including the liver, skeletal muscle, pancreas, heart, and vessels. As a special “organ” of the host, the gut microbiota, together with the intestinal microenvironment (tissues, cells, and metabolites) in a co-evolutionary process, constitutes a micro-ecosystem and plays an important role in the process of nutrient 

digestion and absorption in the intestine of the host. In recent years, accumulating evidence indicates that the compositions, quantities, colonization, and functional activities of the gut microbiota exhibit significant circadian variations, which are closely related to the changes of various physiological functions under the regulation of host circadian clock system. In addition, several studies have shown that the gut microbiota can produce many important metabolites such as the short-chain fatty acids through the degradation of indigestive dietary fibers. A portion of gut microbiota-derived metabolites can regulate the circadian clock system and metabolism of the host. This article mainly discusses the interaction between the host circadian clock system and the gut microbiota, and highlights its influence on energy metabolism of the host, providing a novel clues and thought for the prevention and treatment of metabolic diseases.

Key words: Circadian rhythm; gut microbiota; energy metabolism; metabolite; feeding rhythm

收稿日期:  录用日期:

通讯作者:陈华涛  E-mail:;

DOI: 10.13294/j.aps.2022.0016


张海森, 李超, 李雅婷, 靳亚平, 刘伟, 陈华涛. 生物钟与肠道菌群调控哺乳动物能量代谢研究进展[J]. 生理学报 2022; 74 (3): 443-460.

HANG Hai-Sen, LI Chao, LI Ya-Ting, JIN Ya-Ping, LIU Wei, CHEN Hua-Tao. Research progress on the regulation of mammalian energy metabolism by the  circadian clock system and gut microbiota. Acta Physiol Sin 2022; 74 (3): 443-460 (in Chinese with English abstract).