ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



姬静1, 杨莉1,2,3,*

1北京大学第一医院肾内科,北京大学肾脏疾病研究所,北京 100034;2中国卫生部肾脏病重点实验室,北京 100034;3中国教育部慢性肾脏病防治重点实验室(北京大学),北京 100034


人羊膜上皮细胞(human amniotic epithelial cells, hAECs)是位于胎盘羊膜靠近胎儿侧的上皮细胞,与其他胎盘来源的干细胞不同,hAECs源自胚胎上胚层,被认为是再生医学的理想种子细胞类型。研究显示,hAECs兼具胚胎干细胞样增殖分化潜力和成体干细胞样免疫调节特性。与其他类型的干细胞相比,hAECs在临床应用上具有特殊的优势,包括易于分离、细胞数量多、移植后无致瘤性和不涉及伦理问题等。在过去的二十年中,大量基础和临床前研究证明了hAECs具有治疗多种疾病的潜力。越来越多的证据表明,hAECs可通过不同的分子机制来修复甚至重建受损组织和器官的功能。本文详细综述了hAECs的主要生物学特征,总结了hAECs的研究现状,并讨论了基于hAECs的细胞疗法的临床应用前景。

关键词: 人羊膜上皮细胞; 细胞治疗; 旁分泌作用; 免疫调节; 再生医学

Advances on human amniotic epithelial cells and its clinical application potential

JI Jing1, YANG Li1,2,3,*

1Renal Division, Department of Medicine, Peking University First Hospital, Institute of Nephrology, Peking University, Beijing 100034, China;2Key Laboratory of Renal Disease, Ministry of Health of China, Beijing 100034, China;3Key Laboratory of Chronic Kidney Disease Prevention and Treatment (Peking University), Ministry of Education of China, Beijing 100034, China


Human amniotic epithelial cells (hAECs) are epithelial cells located on the placental amnion near the fetus. Different from other placental-derived stem cells, hAECs are derived from embryonic epiblast, and have been considered as seed cells for regenerative medicine. hAECs possess embryonic stem cell-like multi-differentiation capabilities and adult stem cell-like immunomodulatory properties. Compared with other types of stem cells, special properties of hAECs make them unique, including easy isolation, abundant cell numbers, non-tumorigenicity after transplantation, and the obviation of ethical debates. During the past two decades, the therapeutic potential of hAECs has been extensively investigated in various diseases. Accumulating evidence has demonstrated that hAECs contribute to repairing and remodeling the function of damaged tissues and organs through different molecular mechanisms. This article provides an in-depth review of the biological characteristics of hAECs, summarizes the research status of hAECs, and discusses the clinical application prospects of hAEC-based cell therapy.

Key words: human amniotic epithelial cell; cell therapy; paracrine effect; immunomodulation; regenerative medicine

收稿日期:  录用日期:

通讯作者:杨莉  E-mail:

DOI: 10.13294/j.aps.2022.0010


姬静, 杨莉. 人羊膜上皮细胞的临床应用潜力的研究进展[J]. 生理学报 2022; 74 (1): 80-92.

JI Jing, YANG Li. Advances on human amniotic epithelial cells and its clinical application potential. Acta Physiol Sin 2022; 74 (1): 80-92 (in Chinese with English abstract).