罗自强1,*, 冯丹丹1, 向阳1, 暨明1
1中南大学基础医学院生理学系,长沙 410013
大规模在线开放课程(massive open online course, MOOC),又称慕课,是先进的教育理念与最新的信息技术相融合的产物,是一种基于网络的新课程模式。本文首先回顾近20年我国在线网络课程建设和发展的四个阶段及各阶段《生理学》在线课程建设的成绩。然后,以中南大学《生理学》在线开放课程为例,介绍在线开放课程建设及基于在线开放课程开展线下翻转课堂与线上翻转课堂教学的具体做法与经验。最后,再结合文献及自身的思考对在线开放课程建设与应用的几个重要问题进行讨论,旨在为其他高校在线开放课程的建设提供借鉴。
关键词: 在线开放课程; 慕课; 生理学; 翻转课堂; 金课
The construction and application of online open courses in Chinese colleges and universities—Taking the physiology course at Central South University of China as an example
LUO Zi-Qiang1,*, FENG Dan-Dan1, XIANG Yang1, JI Ming1
1Department of Physiology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Central South University, Changsha 410013, China
Massive open online course (MOOC) is a new learning model, which integrates the progress of novel educational concepts and the breakthrough of information technology. MOOC uses new web-based tools and online-environments to deliver knowledge education and lecture classes in a new paradigm. In this paper, we firstly reviewed the achievements through four stages of the construction and development of online courses of physiology in China in the past 20 years. Then, taking the physiology MOOC at Central South University of China as an example, we introduced the specific practices and experiences to construct the online physiological open course, including the online open course-based offline and online flipped classroom teaching practice. Finally, we discussed several important issues during the construction and application of online open courses, aiming to provide practical information for other universities.
Key words: online open courses; MOOC; physiology; flipped classroom; high-quality courses
收稿日期: 录用日期:
通讯作者:罗自强 E-mail: luozq1962@163.com
DOI: 10.13294/j.aps.2020.0089
罗自强, 冯丹丹, 向阳, 暨明. 高校在线开放课程的建设与应用——以中南大学《生理学》课程为例[J]. 生理学报 2020; 72 (6): 707-715.
LUO Zi-Qiang, FENG Dan-Dan, XIANG Yang, JI Ming. The construction and application of online open courses in Chinese colleges and universities—Taking the physiology course at Central South University of China as an example. Acta Physiol Sin 2020; 72 (6): 707-715 (in Chinese with English abstract).