ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



樊晓娜, 陈琳茜, 许戈阳*

暨南大学基础医学院生理学系,广州 510632


热量限制(caloric restriction, CR)是在保证机体不产生营养不良的前提下限制机体的热量摄入。CR能够影响体内各种代谢产物水平,如脂类、游离脂肪酸、酮体、胆汁酸和氨基酸等,被认为可延长生物寿命,推迟和降低多种与老龄相关疾病(如2型糖尿病、肿瘤、心血管疾病)的发病。CR所产生的功效与其对机体能量代谢的调节效应密不可分,其作用机制与生物钟、激素、胃肠道菌群及炎症都密切相关。本文简要总结CR对能量代谢的影响及其作用机制。

关键词: 热量限制; 能量代谢; 激素; 生物钟; 胃肠道菌群; 炎症


The effects and mechanism of caloric restriction on energy metabolism

FAN Xiao-Na, CHEN Lin-Xi, XU Ge-Yang*

Department of Physiology, School of Medicine, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632, China


Caloric restriction (CR) is explored to limit the caloric intake without malnutrition. CR can affect the levels of various metabolites in organism, such as lipids, free fatty acids, ketones, bile acids and amino acids, etc, and is thought being able to extend the lifespan, postpone and reduce the incidence of age-related disorders (e.g., type 2 diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular diseases). These effects are mainly attributed to the role of CR in energy metabolism. The mechanism of CR on energy metabolism is closely related to biological clock, hormonal production, gastrointestinal flora and inflammation. Here we briefly review the effects and mechanism of CR on energy metabolism.

Key words: caloric restriction; energy metabolism; hormone; biological clock; gastrointestinal flora; inflammation

收稿日期:2019-09-17  录用日期:2020-02-04

通讯作者:许戈阳  E-mail:

DOI: 10.13294/j.aps.2020.0030


樊晓娜, 陈琳茜, 许戈阳. 热量限制对能量代谢的影响及其机制[J]. 生理学报 2020; 72 (3): 371-381.

FAN Xiao-Na, CHEN Lin-Xi, XU Ge-Yang. The effects and mechanism of caloric restriction on energy metabolism. Acta Physiol Sin 2020; 72 (3): 371-381 (in Chinese with English abstract).