ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



刘伯言*, 秦树存

山东省高校动脉粥样硬化重点实验室,泰山医学院动脉粥样硬化研究所,泰山氢生物医学研究院,泰安 271000



关键词: 氢分子; 代谢动力学; 给氢途径


Different types of molecular hydrogen donors and their pharmacokinetics in vivo

LIU Bo-Yan*, QIN Shu-Cun

Key Laboratory of Atherosclerosis in Universities of Shandong Province, Institute of Atherosclerosis, Taishan Medical University, Taishan Institute for Hydrogen Biomedical Research, Taian 271000, China


Molecular hydrogen (H2) has been shown to have diverse biomedical effects. As a small molecular gas, hydrogen can be diffused to the target without hindrance. A variety of related hydrogen products used in medical research and public health have been developed. There are various methods of administration of H2, mainly including inhaling hydrogen gas, drinking hydrogen water, injecting hydrogen-saline, orally taking solid-state H2 sustained-release agents, and stimulating intestinal microbiomes to produce hydrogen. Pharmacokinetics of H2 in vivo vary with methods of administration and thus influence its biomedical effects. This review summarizes the types of H2 donors and their pharmacokinetics in vivo.

Key words: molecular hydrogen (H2); pharmacokinetics; administration of H2

收稿日期:2018-04-11  录用日期:2018-06-25

通讯作者:刘伯言  E-mail:

DOI: 10.13294/j.aps.2018.0083


刘伯言, 秦树存. 氢分子供体种类及其在体内代谢动力学特点[J]. 生理学报 2019; 71 (2): 371-377.

LIU Bo-Yan, QIN Shu-Cun. Different types of molecular hydrogen donors and their pharmacokinetics in vivo. Acta Physiol Sin 2019; 71 (2): 371-377 (in Chinese with English abstract).