ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



李英杰, 杨宝学*

北京大学基础医学院药理学系,北京 100191


尿素通道蛋白(urea transporter, UT)是一类特异性通透尿素的跨膜蛋白,包括两个亚家族,UT-A和UT-B。UT-A亚家族有六个成员UT-A1~UT-A6,主要在肾脏表达。UT-B亚家族仅有一个成员,在全身多脏器表达。通过对6个UT基因敲除小鼠的肾脏表型研究发现UT在尿液浓缩机制中发挥重要作用。研究结果提示UT可作为新的利尿药作用靶点,其抑制剂可研发成为新型利尿药。本文就UT的肾脏生理学功能及药物研发等方面的研究进展进行综述。

关键词: 尿素通道蛋白; 肾脏; 尿浓缩; 生理功能; 利尿药


Renal physiology of urea transporters

LI Ying-Jie, YANG Bao-Xue*

Department of Pharmacology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100191, China


Urea transporters (UTs) are transmembrane urea-selective channel proteins that include two UT subfamilies, UT-A and UT-B. UT-A subfamily includes six members, UT-A1 to UT-A6, which are mainly expressed in kidney. UT-B subfamily has only one member that has a wide distribution in the body. UTs have been confirmed to play important roles in urinary concentration via the phenotypic analysis of 6 UT selective knockout mouse models. Experimental results suggest that UTs might be diuretic targets and that UT inhibitors might be developed as novel diuretics. This article reviews the physiological function and drug discovery of UT.

Key words: urea transporter; kidney; urine concentration; physiological function; diuretics

收稿日期:2018-06-05  录用日期:2018-09-30

通讯作者:杨宝学  E-mail:

DOI: 10.13294/j.aps.2018.0071


李英杰, 杨宝学. 尿素通道蛋白的肾脏生理学研究进展[J]. 生理学报 2018; 70 (6): 649-656.

LI Ying-Jie, YANG Bao-Xue. Renal physiology of urea transporters. Acta Physiol Sin 2018; 70 (6): 649-656 (in Chinese with English abstract).