周艳, 黄艳红, 罗自强*
中南大学基础医学院生理学系,长沙 410013
分类号:R331; R332
The platelet-producing function of lung
ZHOU Yan, HUANG Yan-Hon, LUO Zi-Qiang*
Department of Physiology, School of Basic Medical Science, Central South University, Changsha 410013, China
It is generally believed that platelets are cytoplasmic bodies with biological activity falling off the cytoplasm of megakaryocytes from bone marrow. However, a large number of megakaryocytes have been found in the lung tissue in many researches. Whether the lung has the function of producing platelets has been controversial. In this paper, we briefly review the proposition, early stage researches, the latest confirmations and possible meaning of the hypothesis of platelet-producing function of lung.
Key words: Megakaryocytes; platelets ; pulmonary hematopoietic function
收稿日期:2017-06-07 录用日期:2017-09-11
通讯作者:罗自强 E-mail: luozq1962@163.com
DOI: 10.13294/j.aps.2017.0061
周艳, 黄艳红, 罗自强. 肺的血小板生成功能[J]. 生理学报 2017; 69 (5): 730-734.
ZHOU Yan, HUANG Yan-Hon, LUO Zi-Qiang. The platelet-producing function of lung. Acta Physiol Sin 2017; 69 (5): 730-734 (in Chinese with English abstract).