ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q


海马cAMP 反应元件结合蛋白与抗抑郁治疗

陈琳, 赵玉男, 戴建国, 王中立, 黄玉芳*

南京中医药大学基础医学院中西医结合基础学系,南京 210046


随着对抑郁症发病机制研究的不断深入,当前的重点已从单胺递质调节机制转向抑郁症的病理生理基础研究和抗抑郁治疗的长期作用机制。以脑内cAMP 反应元件结合蛋白(cAMP response element binding protein, CREB)为交汇点的细胞内信号转导通路正受到越来越多的关注,尤其是海马CREB 的改变。明确海马CERB 与抗抑郁治疗的关系,对深入理解抑郁症的病理生理基础和抗抑郁治疗的长期作用机制有重要的意义。因此,本文对近年来海马CREB 与抗抑郁治疗的相关研究进行综述,主要涉及CREB 的结构和海马内的分布、海马CREB 的上游信号通路与抗抑郁治疗、调节海马CREB 发挥抗抑郁作用的可能机制。

关键词: cAMP 反应元件结合蛋白; 海马; 抗抑郁药


[Hippocampal cAMP response element binding protein and antidepressant treatments.] [Ariticle in Chinese]

Chen Lin, ZHAO Yu-Nan, DAI Jian-Guo, WANG Zhong-Li, HUANG Yu-Fang*

Department of Preclinical Medicine Combined with Traditional Medicine and Western Medicine, Preclinical Medical School, Nanjing University of Traditional Medicine, Nanjing 210046, China


With the deepening research on pathogenesis of depression, the focus has diverted from the mechanism of regulatingmonoamines to the basic pathophysiology of depression and the long-term mechanism of antidepressant treatments. cAMP responseelement binding protein (CREB) in the brain, especially in the hippocampi, as a converging agent of many intracellular signalingtransduction pathways is getting increasing attention. To better understand the basic pathophysiology of depression and the long-termmechanism of antidepressant treatments, it is significant to make clear the correlation between hippocampal CREB and antidepressanttreatments. This review mainly refers to the formation of CREB and its distribution in hippocampi, the upstream signaling transductionpathways of hippocampal CREB and antidepressant treatments, and the possible antidepressant mechanisms by regulating hippocampalCREB.

Key words: cAMP response element binding protein; hippocampus; antidepressants

收稿日期:2010-09-03  录用日期:2010-10-11

通讯作者:黄玉芳  E-mail:


陈琳, 赵玉男, 戴建国, 王中立, 黄玉芳. 海马cAMP 反应元件结合蛋白与抗抑郁治疗[J]. 生理学报 2010; 62 (6): 489-494.

Chen Lin, ZHAO Yu-Nan, DAI Jian-Guo, WANG Zhong-Li, HUANG Yu-Fang. [Hippocampal cAMP response element binding protein and antidepressant treatments.] [Ariticle in Chinese] . Acta Physiol Sin 2010; 62 (6): 489-494 (in Chinese with English abstract).