ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



汪静雪, 陈薇, 梅林, 赖玲, 唐宏宇, 范少光;

北京医科大学生理教研室,北京 100083


大鼠或小鼠经束缚应激10 h后,血清中出现一类淋巴细胞转化抑制因子。本实验在上述工作的基础上对抑制因子的产生部位做了初步研究,结果表明,应激后脑脊液中不存在淋巴细胞转化抑制因子,说明这种因子不是由中枢神经系统产生。大剂量辐射与环磷酰胺均能降低脾脏有核细胞总数,但前者能降低抑制因子的产生,后者无作用,提示淋巴细胞总数的减少对血清抑制因子的产生可能不起决定性作用。细胞分类的结果表明,辐射能明显降低T、B细胞比例,而环磷酰胺反而使其比例有上升趋势。因而提示抑制因子的产生可能与T、B淋巴细胞的比例有关。当T细胞比例减少时,抑制因子的产生受到阻碍。裸鼠为先天性T细胞功能缺失动物,同样的应激条件抑制因子的产生受到明显抑制。这也说明抑制因子的产生可能与T细胞的作用有关。

关键词: 应激; 淋巴细胞转化; 免疫抑制因子; T细胞; B细胞

A study on the location of immuno-suppressive factor(s) in restraint rats and mice

WANG Jing-Xue, CHEN Wei, Mei Lin, LAI Ling, TANG Hong-Yu, FAN Shao-Guang

Department of Physiology, Beijing Medical University, Beijeng 100083,China


A serum lymphocyte-proliferation suppressive factor(s)in duced by restraintstress over 10 h was found in previous studies in both rats and mice. The presentstudy was undertaken to investigate the sites of its production. The results showthat large doses of irradiation and cyclophosphamide (CY) decreased the totalnumber of splenic nucleated cells, but the production of the suppressive factor wasinhibited only by irradiation. This indicates that the drop in total number oflymphocytes does not play any key role in the production of the serum suppressivefactor. Cell classification showed that the ratio of T to B cell was decreased byradiation but increased by CY, suggesting that this ratio may be relevant to theproduction of the factor. Inhibition of the production was also observed in nudemouse (an animal showing a lack of T cell activity), again supporting that T cellsare involved in the production of the inhibitory factor.

Key words: Stress; lymphocyte proliferation; immuno-suppressive factor; T cells; B cells

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汪静雪, 陈薇, 梅林, 赖玲, 唐宏宇, 范少光;. 束缚应激动物血清中免疫抑制因子产生部位的初步研究 [J]. 生理学报 1992; 44 (6): 541-548.

WANG Jing-Xue, CHEN Wei, Mei Lin, LAI Ling, TANG Hong-Yu, FAN Shao-Guang. A study on the location of immuno-suppressive factor(s) in restraint rats and mice. Acta Physiol Sin 1992; 44 (6): 541-548 (in Chinese with English abstract).