蔡申瓯*, 陶乐天
上海交通大学自然科学研究院和数学系,上海 200240;美国纽约大学库朗数学研究所及神经科学中心,纽约 NY 10012; 北京大学生命科学学院生物信息中心,蛋白质工程及植物基因工程国家重点实验室,北京 100871
本文回顾了利用统计物理的方法研究神经元网络动力学的数学降维描述。以一个全兴奋性的“整合-发放”神经元网络为出发点,导出了描写神经元群体活动的概率分布函数的 (2+1)-维对流-扩散方程。在没有引入任何新参数的情况下,讨论了如何利用moment closure scheme得到(1+1)-维的动力学方程。我们将此方程的预测与原神经元网络动力学的蒙特卡洛模拟结果进行比较,从而展示了新方程的数值精确性。
关键词: 神经元网络; 粗粒化; 随机涨落; 扩散; 神经元群体
分类号:O242.1; O29; Q189
Statistical physics approaches to neuronal network dynamics
CAI David*, TAO Louis
Institute of Natural Sciences and Department of Mathematics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China; 2Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Center for Neural Science, New York University, New York, NY 10012, USA
We review a statistical physics approach for reduced descriptions of neuronal network dynamics. From a network of all-to-all coupled, excitatory integrate-and-fire neurons, we derive a (2+1)-D advection-diffusion equation for a probability distribution function, which describes neuronal population dynamics. We further show how to derive a (1+1)-D kinetic equation, using a moment closure scheme, without introducing any new parameters to the system. We demonstrate the numerical accuracy of our kinetic theory by comparing its results to Monte Carlo simulations of the full integrate-and-fire neuronal network.
Key words: neuronal networks; coarse-graining; fluctuations; diffusion; neuronal population
收稿日期: 录用日期:
通讯作者:蔡申瓯 E-mail: cai@cims.nyu.edu
蔡申瓯, 陶乐天. 神经元网络动力学的统计物理方法[J]. 生理学报 2011; 63 (5): 453-462.
CAI David, TAO Louis . Statistical physics approaches to neuronal network dynamics. Acta Physiol Sin 2011; 63 (5): 453-462 (in Chinese with English abstract).