ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



吴晓杰, 张静, 魏春玲, 刘志强*, 任维

陕西师范大学生命科学学院,西安 710062


吗啡长期作用后会产生成瘾(addiction),严重影响其临床应用。前额叶(prefrontal cortex, PFC)投射至伏隔核(nucleus accumbens, NAc)的谷氨酸能突触对奖赏效应有重要的调节作用,但该突触在吗啡成瘾中的具体作用尚不完全清楚。为探讨PFC至NAc的谷氨酸能突触在成瘾形成过程中的具体作用及其机制,本研究利用成年大鼠在体记录的方式,记录电刺激PFC至NAc谷氨酸能传入纤维引起的NAc壳区场兴奋性突触后电位(filed excitatory postsynaptic potential, fEPSP),观察慢性吗啡/盐水预处理后依次急性皮下注射吗啡及腹腔注射纳络酮对fEPSP幅值和配对脉冲比率(paired-pulse ratio, PPR)的影响。结果显示,与基础fEPSP相比,慢性盐水预处理组急性皮下注射吗啡能够增强fEPSP幅值并减小PPR,纳络酮能够反转这种现象。慢性吗啡预处理组急性皮下注射吗啡增强的fEPSP幅度较盐水预处理组减小,纳络酮同样能够反转吗啡作用;吗啡注射后PPR仅有降低的趋势,而纳络酮注射能够显著增高基础PPR。这些结果表明,吗啡首次作用可通过突触前机制增强PFC到NAc的谷氨酸能突触传递,而慢性吗啡预处理后,由吗啡再次作用诱导的突触前谷氨酸能突触传递增强有所减弱,提示NAc中可能存在对成瘾药物的神经适应性现象。

关键词: 吗啡成瘾; 前额叶; 伏隔核; 谷氨酸能突触


[Repeated morphine pretreatment reduces glutamatergic synaptic potentiation in the nucleus accumbens induced by acute morphine exposure.] [Article in Chinese]

WU Xiao-Jie, ZHANG Jing, WEI Chun-Ling, Liu Zhi-Qiang*, REN Wei

College of Life Science, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an 710062, China


Repeated exposure to morphine leads to the addiction, which influences its clinical application seriously. The glutamatergic projection from prefrontal cortex (PFC) to the nucleus accumbens (NAc) plays an important role in rewarding effects. It is still unknown whether morphine exposure changes PFC-NAc synaptic transmission. To address this question, in vivo field excitatory postsynaptic potentials (fEPSPs) induced by electric stimulating PFC-NAc projection fibers were recorded to evaluate the effect of acute morphine exposure (10 mg/kg, s.c.) on glutamatergic synaptic transmission in NAc shell of repeated saline/morphine pretreated rats. It was showed that acute morphine exposure enhanced fEPSP amplitude and reduced paired-pulse ratio (PPR) in saline pretreated rats, which could be reversed by following naloxone injection (1 mg/kg, i.p.), an opiate receptor antagonist. However, repeated morphine pretreatment significantly inhibited both the enhancement of fEPSP amplitude and reduction of PPR induced by acute morphine exposure. Those results indicate that the initial morphine exposure enhances PFC-NAc synaptic transmission by pre-synaptic mechanisms, whereas morphine pretreatment occludes this effect.

Key words: morphine addiction; prefrontal cortex; nucleus accumbens; glutamatergic synaptic transmission

收稿日期:2011-10-17  录用日期:2012-01-10

通讯作者:刘志强  E-mail:


吴晓杰, 张静, 魏春玲, 刘志强, 任维. 慢性吗啡预处理减弱急性吗啡对伏隔核谷氨酸能突触传递的影响[J]. 生理学报 2012; 64 (2): 170-176.

WU Xiao-Jie, ZHANG Jing, WEI Chun-Ling, Liu Zhi-Qiang, REN Wei. [Repeated morphine pretreatment reduces glutamatergic synaptic potentiation in the nucleus accumbens induced by acute morphine exposure.] [Article in Chinese]. Acta Physiol Sin 2012; 64 (2): 170-176 (in Chinese with English abstract).