ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



杨元, 顾冠, 郭虹, 邱意弘*

上海交通大学生物医学工程系,上海 200240;巴黎高科国立高等电信学院,法国国家科学研究中心信息处理和通信实验室,巴黎 75013,法国;3清华大学工程物理系,北京 100084


事件相关电位(event-related potential, ERP)的研究证实了ERP的早期成份正电位P120、负电位N170和顶正波(vertex positive potential, VPP)都与人脸感知活动有关。还有研究进一步表明,VPP是N170的正性配对成份,它们由同一大脑源活动产生。然而,P120是否也拥有相应的负性配对成份,以及早期成份(P120, N170, VPP)之间的相互关系仍然是研究中的盲点。本研究采集了受试者在观看不同刺激时的脑电信号,从中提取ERP。对额中央区和枕颞侧脑电信号的同步性进行了分析,采用独立成份分析提取对人脸敏感的独立成份并进行溯源。结果发现,P120成份确实拥有对应的负性配对体,为VN120;同时,我们也证实,VN120-VPP,P120-N170复波是由梭状回区域的同一大脑源活动产生,这反映了人脸感知中的相同循序性神经活动。

关键词: 脑电; 事件相关电位; 相位同步


Early event-related potential components in face perception reflect the sequential neural activities

YANG Yuan, GU Guan, GUO Hong, QIU Yi-Hong*

Department of Biomedical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China; Télécom ParisTech, CNRS UMR 5141 LTCI, Paris 75013, France; 3Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China


Event-related potential (ERP) studies report that early components P120, N170 and VPP are associated with face processing. Several lines of evidence suggest that VPP is the positive counterpart of N170, and they are generated by the same brain sources. However, whether P120 has a negative counterpart and the relations among these early components (i.e. P120, N170, VPP) remain unclear. In this study, the scalp electroencephalogram was recorded when the subjects passively viewed different stimuli, and ERP was calculated. The synchronization of electroencephalography signals between fronto-central and bilateral occipitotemporal sites was evaluated, and independent component analysis was employed to seek the face-sensitive independent components and their corresponding sources. We found that P120 had the negative counterpart, i.e., VN120; moreover, VN120-VPP and P120-N170 complexes were generated by the same sources located in fusiform gyrus, which reflected the same sequential neural activities of face processing.

Key words: electroencephalography; event-related potential; phase synchrony

收稿日期:2010-12-17  录用日期:2011-03-03

通讯作者:邱意弘  E-mail:


杨元, 顾冠, 郭虹, 邱意弘. 人脸感知中的事件相关电位早期成份反映了顺序性神经活动[J]. 生理学报 2011; 63 (2): 97-105.

YANG Yuan, GU Guan, GUO Hong, QIU Yi-Hong. Early event-related potential components in face perception reflect the sequential neural activities. Acta Physiol Sin 2011; 63 (2): 97-105 (in Chinese with English abstract).