赵雪红, 樊小力*, 宋新爱, 石磊
西安交通大学医学院生理与病理生理学系,西安 710061
本研究旨在观察大鼠单一肌梭的电生理特征。从大鼠比目鱼肌中分离单一肌梭,用空气隔绝法观察大鼠单一肌梭感觉末梢在不同液体环境中的放电活动。结果显示:在基础生理盐水溶液中,大鼠单一肌梭的自发放电频率很低,平均(51.78 ± 25.63) impulses/1 000 s (n = 13);在加有适量氨基酸的生理盐水溶液中,其自发放电频率明显增多,每1 000 s记录到的动作电位数为200~1 000个[平均(687.62 ± 312.56) impulses/1 000 s, n = 17],而且能维持较长时间。大鼠单一肌梭的电活动除了典型的动作电位之外,还记录到了大量的阈下去极化电位“abortive spikes”。结果表明,生理盐水溶液中添加适量氨基酸能够很好地保持大鼠单一肌梭的活性。本研究为深入了解大鼠肌梭的功能奠定了方法学基础。
[Electrophysiological characteristics of the isolated muscle spindle in rats.] [Article in Chinese]
ZHAO Xue-Hong, FAN Xiao-Li*, SONG Xin-Ai, SHI Lei
Department of Physiology and Pathophysiology, Medical School, Xi’an JiaoTong University, Xi’an 710061, China
The aim of this study was to observe the electrophysiological characteristics of the isolated rat muscle spindle. The muscle spindle was isolated from rat soleus and the afferent discharge of the isolated muscle spindle was recorded by air-gap technique. In the basic physiological salt solution, the spontaneous impulses of muscle spindle were at a lower level with irregular intervals. The mean frequency of afferents was (51.78 ± 25.63) impulses/1 000 s (n = 13). The muscle spindle afferents were significantly increased and maintained over time by the addition of certain amino acids during the observation. The number of the action potential recorded per 1 000 s was 200–1 000 [mean: (687.62 ± 312.56) impulses/1 000 s, n = 17]. In addition to the typical propagated action potential, a large number of abortive spikes were observed. The results indicate that the activities of isolated muscle spindles in rats can be well maintained by the addition of certain amino acids. The results initially establish and provide the possibility for further research conducted in isolated rat muscle spindles.
Key words: muscle spindle; electrophysiology; air-gap technique
收稿日期:2011-01-11 录用日期:2011-02-23
通讯作者:樊小力 E-mail: fanxl@mail.xjtu.edu.cn
赵雪红, 樊小力, 宋新爱, 石磊. 大鼠单一肌梭的电生理特征[J]. 生理学报 2011; 63 (3): 281-285.
ZHAO Xue-Hong, FAN Xiao-Li, SONG Xin-Ai, SHI Lei. [Electrophysiological characteristics of the isolated muscle spindle in rats.] [Article in Chinese]. Acta Physiol Sin 2011; 63 (3): 281-285 (in Chinese with English abstract).