徐华敏, 王俊, 宋宁, 姜宏, 谢俊霞*
青岛大学医学院生理学教研室,山东省神经相关疾病重点实验室,山东省神经退变疾病协同创新中心,青岛 266071
越来越多的证据表明胶质细胞在中枢神经系统发育、神经元的存活、神经修复与再生、突触传递及免疫炎症等方面均具有重要的功能。近年来,胶质细胞在帕金森病(Parkinson’s disease, PD)中的作用受到越来越多的关注。大量的研究证实,中脑黑质(substantia nigra, SN)部位铁聚积参与了PD多巴胺(dopamine, DA)神经元的死亡。目前PD铁沉积的研究主要集中在DA神经元,但实际上脑内胶质细胞在中枢神经系统铁稳态调节中发挥着重要的作用。因此,本文综述了胶质细胞铁代谢及其参与DA神经元铁聚积及死亡的作用机制,为揭示PD患者SN部位铁聚积的机制以及发现潜在的治疗靶点提供理论依据。
[Glial cells are involved in iron accumulation and degeneration of dopamine neurons in Parkinson's disease .] [Article in Chinese]
XU Hua-Min, WANG Jun, SONG Ning, JIANG Hong, XIE Jun-Xia*
Department of Physiology, Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Pathogenesis and Prevention of Neurological Disorders, Shandong Provincial Collaborative Innovation Center for Neurodegenerative Disorders, Medical College of Qingdao University, Qingdao 266071, China
A growing body of evidence suggests that glial cells play an important role in neural development, neural survival, nerve repair and regeneration, synaptic transmission and immune inflammation. As the highest number of cells in the central nervous system, the role of glial cells in Parkinson’s disease (PD) has attracted more and more attention. It has been confirmed that nigral iron accumulation contributes to the death of dopamine (DA) neurons in PD. Until now, most researches on nigral iron deposition in PD are focusing on DA neurons, but in fact glial cells in the central nervous system also play an important role in the regulation of iron homeostasis. Therefore, this review describes the role of iron metabolism of glial cells in death of DA neurons in PD, which could provide evidence to reveal the mechanisms underlying nigral iron accumulation of DA neurons in PD and provide the basis for discovering new potential therapeutic targets for PD.
Key words: Parkinson's disease; iron; glial cells; dopamine
收稿日期:2016-02-25 录用日期:2016-04-27
通讯作者:谢俊霞 E-mail: jxiaxie@public.qd.sd.cn
徐华敏, 王俊, 宋宁, 姜宏, 谢俊霞. 胶质细胞在帕金森病神经元铁聚积及退变中的作用[J]. 生理学报 2016; 68 (4): 455-463.
XU Hua-Min, WANG Jun, SONG Ning, JIANG Hong, XIE Jun-Xia. [Glial cells are involved in iron accumulation and degeneration of dopamine neurons in Parkinson's disease .] [Article in Chinese]. Acta Physiol Sin 2016; 68 (4): 455-463 (in Chinese with English abstract).