ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



张立藩, 张舒

第四军医大学1航空航天生理学教研室;航空航天生物动力学教研室,西安 710032


业已证实,生理系统最低重力暴露的需求存在较大差异。例如,在血管与骨这两个截然不同系统之间的初步比较研究得知,两者不仅在组织水平的力学调控机制差异较大,且失重性骨质丢失还与钙沉积-吸收的变化有关。间断性人工重力对血管的有效防护作用可能与血管拥有在1 G重力环境下恢复其原有预应力和张力整合状态的“记忆”功能有关。除长期的钙沉积-吸收过程,骨组织还涉及成骨细胞和破骨细胞更为复杂的张力整合模型机制。细胞水平的钙动力学模型(CellML)业已提出,我们希望生理组学能够利用这类模型框架进一步解释骨组织对间断性人工重力反应性低下的机制;并评估“间断性”或“连续性”人工重力方案何者更适用于未来探索级航天飞行任务。

关键词: 航天飞行; 失重; ; 血管; 连续性人工重力; 间断性人工重力; 短臂离心机; 张力整合模型; 生理组学; 系统生物学


Systems specificity in responsiveness to intermittent artificial gravity during simulated microgravity in rats


Departments of 1Aerospace Physiology and Aerospace Biodynamics, The Fourth Military Medical University, Xi'an 710032, China


It has been shown that the minimum gravity exposure requirements vary greatly among different physiological systems. A preliminary comparison between two extremes, vessels vs. bones, shows that not only the mechanostat at the tissue level differs greatly, but also the bone loss during weightlessness may also involve calcium deposition-resorption changes. It seems that the surprising efficacy of intermittent artificial gravity (IAG) is due to the vascular tissues possessing a strong resilience or “memory” function toward restoring their original pre-stress and tensegrity state at the 1 G environment. It appears that the bone tissue is related to a more complex tensegrity paradigm involving both osteoblasts and osteoclasts, and a longer half time for calcium deposition-absorption. Cell-level models (CellML) for calcium dynamics is currently available. We hope that the Physiome Project can use this modeling framework to help interpret the resistance of bones to IAG and to evaluate whether the “intermittent” or “continuous” AG scheme should be adopted eventually for future exploration-class spaceflight.

Key words: spaceflight; weightlessness; bone; vessels; continuous artificial gravity; intermittent artificial gravity; short arm centrifuge; tensegrity model; physiomics; systems biology

收稿日期:2016-04-25  录用日期:2016-06-19

通讯作者:张立藩  E-mail:


张立藩, 张舒. 模拟失重大鼠对间断性人工重力反应的系统特异性[J]. 生理学报 2016; 68 (4): 391-402.

ZHANG LI-FAN, ZHANG Shu. Systems specificity in responsiveness to intermittent artificial gravity during simulated microgravity in rats. Acta Physiol Sin 2016; 68 (4): 391-402 (in Chinese with English abstract).