ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



陈侃, 王长谦*, 范虞琪, 韩志华, 汪月, 高霖, 曾华甦

上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院心内科,上海 200011



关键词: 斑马鱼; 血脂 ; 中药单体 ; 大黄酚


Lipid-lowering effect of seven traditional Chinese medicine monomers in zebrafish system

CHEN Kan, WANG Chang-Qian*, FAN Yu-Qi, HAN Zhi-Hua, WANG Yue, GAO Lin, ZENG Hua-Su

Department of Cardiology, Shanghai Ninth People’s Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200011, China


The present study aimed to study lipid-lowering effect of seven traditional Chinese medicine monomers in zebrafish system. Zebrafish were fed with high fat diet to establish a hyperlipemia model, then fasted and bathed with seven traditional Chinese medicine monomers stigmasterol, triacontanol, chrysophanol, vanillic acid, shikimic acid, polydatin and oleanolic acid respectively. The oil red O staining was used to detect the blood lipids of zebrafish. Serum total cholesterol and triglyceride levels were detected to validate the lipid-lowering effect. The result showed that a zebrafish model of hyperlipemia could be established by feeding larvae zebrafish with high fat diet. Among the seven traditional Chinese medicine monomers, chrysophanol had lipid-lowering effect. Chrysophanol significantly reduced serum total cholesterol and triglyceride levels in adult zebrafish fed with high fat diet. Chrysophanol accelerated peristalsis frequency of zebrafish intestine and the excretion of high fat food. It is concluded that chrysophanol has lipid- lowering effect in zebrafish, and the mechanism of the effect may be due to the roles of chrysophanol in reducing lipid absorption from gastrointestinal tract and accelerating the excretion of food.

Key words: zebrafish; blood lipid ; traditional Chinese medicine monomer ; chrysophanol

收稿日期:2016-07-31  录用日期:2016-09-02

通讯作者:王长谦  E-mail:


陈侃, 王长谦, 范虞琪, 韩志华, 汪月, 高霖, 曾华甦. 斑马鱼平台研究七种中药单体的降脂作用[J]. 生理学报 2017; 69 (1): 55-60.

CHEN Kan, WANG Chang-Qian, FAN Yu-Qi, HAN Zhi-Hua, WANG Yue, GAO Lin, ZENG Hua-Su. Lipid-lowering effect of seven traditional Chinese medicine monomers in zebrafish system. Acta Physiol Sin 2017; 69 (1): 55-60 (in Chinese with English abstract).