ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



张雯翔, 陈思禹, 刘畅*

南京师范大学生命科学学院,江苏省分子医学生物技术重点实验室,南京 210023


昼夜节律是生物机体的许多功能活动为适应所在环境白昼和黑夜交替而发生的规律性变化。这种昼夜节律由位于下丘脑视交叉上核神经元(hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus, SCN)相关的中枢性生物时钟和分布于各种组织的外周性生物时钟控制。中枢生物时钟能整合外界环境中的光/非光信号,产生节律性输出,经神经内分泌和体液循环影响外周组织的生理进程,同时也影响外周性生物时钟的活动。人体的生殖功能与其他许多功能活动一样都受到体内生物时钟的调控。越来越多的流行病学和遗传调查分析表明,生物时钟紊乱与不育不孕的发生有关。本文重点讨论了生殖器官中生物时钟的存在及时钟元件在动物发情周期、卵巢卵泡发育与排卵、睾丸精子发生、受精和胚胎着床中的作用。当今社会非常普遍的轮班工作以及临床上用于不育不孕治疗的辅助生殖技术都可能干扰正常的生物节律进而影响生殖功能,因而研究昼夜节律在生殖过程中的调节作用具有重要意义。

关键词: 昼夜节律; 生殖; 生育


Regulation of reproduction by the circadian rhythms

ZHANG Wen-Xiang, CHEN Si-Yu, LIU Chang*

Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Molecular and Medical Biotechnology and College of Life Sciences, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210023, China


Mammals synchronize their circadian activity primarily to the cycles of light and darkness in the environment. Circadian rhythm is controlled by the central clock in the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) and the peripheral clocks in various tissues. More importantly, the central clock can integrate photic/nonphotic signals to generate rhythmic outputs, and then drive the slave oscillators in peripheral tissues through neuroendocrine and behavioral signals. Human reproductive activities, as some other physiological functions, are controlled by the biological clocks. Accumulating lines of epidemiological and genetic evidence indicate that disruption of circadian clock can be directly involved in multiple pathological processes, including infertility. In this review, we mainly discuss the presence of a circadian clock in reproductive tissues and its roles in follicles development, ovulation, spermatogenesis, fertilization and embryo implantation, etc. As the increased shift work and assisted reproductive technologies possibly disrupt circadian rhythmicity to impact reproduction, the importance of circadian rhythms should be highlighted in the regulation of reproductive process.

Key words: circadian rhythms; reproduction; fertility

收稿日期:2016-04-26  录用日期:2016-06-29

通讯作者:刘畅  E-mail:


张雯翔, 陈思禹, 刘畅. 昼夜节律在生殖过程中的调节作用[J]. 生理学报 2016; 68 (6): 799-808.

ZHANG Wen-Xiang, CHEN Si-Yu, LIU Chang. Regulation of reproduction by the circadian rhythms. Acta Physiol Sin 2016; 68 (6): 799-808 (in Chinese with English abstract).