ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



俞燕娟, 董静, 蒋正尧, Inge Depoortere

青岛大学医学院1特种医学专业;生理学教研室,青岛 266071;鲁汶大学胃肠激素研究中心,鲁汶,比利时


本研究旨在探讨外周注射ghrelin受体激动剂生长激素释放肽-6 (growth hormone releasing peptide-6, GHRP-6)对NMRI小鼠摄食的影响以及摄食相关核团(弓状核、视上核和室旁核)的激活情况及其有效作用时间。腹腔注射GHRP-6 1,3,6 h后观察小鼠累计摄食量,同时用免疫组织化学方法检测GHRP-6对自由饮食小鼠和禁食小鼠下丘脑摄食相关核团c-fos表达影响,并观察GHRP-6作用的时间依从性。结果显示,腹腔注射了GHRP-6的小鼠摄食量明显大于生理盐水注射鼠,且在注射后3 h时观察到的摄食量的增加尤为显著,但注射后6 h内总的累计摄食量无显著变化;同时,GHRP-6能够在不依赖于摄食的情况下促进弓状核和室旁核中c-fos的表达,且c-fos的表达在注射后1 h时达到峰值,随后逐渐下降。以上结果提示,外源性注入GHRP-6可显著增加动物在给药后1、3 h的累积摄食量,该作用至少部分是通过上调弓状核和室旁核中的c-fos蛋白表达起作用的,而且具有时间依从性。本研究结果可为临床ghrelin受体激动剂的使用间隔提供理论依据。

关键词: 生长激素释放肽-6; 摄食 ; 下丘脑 ; c-Fos


Time course study of growth hormone releasing peptide-6-induced c-fos expression in neurons of feeding-related nuclei of hypothalamus

YU Yan-Juan, DONG Jing, JIANG Zheng-Yao, Inge Depoortere

Department of Special Medicine; Department of Physiology, Qingdao Medical College of Qingdao University, Qingdao 266071, China; Center for Gastroenterological Research, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium


The present study was aimed to explore the effects of intraperitoneal injection of growth hormone releasing peptide-6 (GHRP-6), a ghrelin receptor agonist, on food intake and neuronal activity of feeding-related nuclei in the hypothalamus of NMRI mice. Accumulated amount of food intake was measured, and total number of c-fos immunoreactive neurons in arcuate nucleus (ARC), paraventricular nucleus (PVN) and supraoptic nucleus (SON) was counted by immunohistochemistry at 1, 3 and 6 h after the GHRP-6 injection. The results showed that GHRP-6 significantly increased the amount of food intake with a peak at 3 h after the GHRP-6 injection. Meanwhile, GHRP-6 could promote c-fos expression in the ARC and PVN independent of food intake, and the total number of c-fos immunoreactive neurons was peaked at 1 h after injection and then decreased gradually. These results suggest that GHRP-6 may increase food intake in time-dependent manner, which is associated with up-regulations of c-fos protein expression in the ARC and PVN.

Key words: GHRP-6; food intake ; hypothalamus ; c-Fos

收稿日期:2015-09-13  录用日期:2015-11-17

通讯作者:董静  E-mail:


俞燕娟, 董静, 蒋正尧, Inge Depoortere. 生长激素释放肽-6对小鼠下丘脑摄食相关核团c-fos表达时间依从性影响[J]. 生理学报 2016; 68 (1): 19-26.

YU Yan-Juan, DONG Jing, JIANG Zheng-Yao, Inge Depoortere. Time course study of growth hormone releasing peptide-6-induced c-fos expression in neurons of feeding-related nuclei of hypothalamus. Acta Physiol Sin 2016; 68 (1): 19-26 (in Chinese with English abstract).