ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



王蕊, 李丽*, 马克涛, 司军强

石河子大学医学院生理教研室/新疆地方与民族高发病教育部重点实验室,石河子 832002


本文旨在观察钙激活氯通道(calcium-activated Cl− channels, CaCCs)在大鼠脑基底动脉舒缩活动中的作用。应用压力肌动图技术观察给予不同药物干预后大鼠脑基底动脉血管段直径的变化。结果显示:(1)脑基底动脉管腔内压力为0~100 mmHg时,压力诱发引起的脑血管舒缩活动的比例为78.6% (n = 28),且血管的收缩比舒张反应更快。(2)脑基底动脉管腔内压力为60 mmHg时,振幅平均值为(62.6 ± 6.4) μm (n = 22),频率平均为(8.0 ± 2.3) 次/5 min (n = 22)。(3)在细胞外液无钙时,血管段舒缩活动减弱。(4)在细胞外液加入L-型钙通道阻断剂尼莫地平,血管段舒缩活动减弱。(5)在细胞外液加入CaCCs通道阻断剂尼氟灭酸(niflumic acid, NFA)和NPPB [5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamine)benzoic acid],压力诱发的血管舒缩活动减弱,并使脑基底动脉血管保持持续舒张。以上结果提示,管腔内压力诱发的脑基底动脉血管舒缩活动与细胞外钙内流及CaCCs作用相关。

关键词: 血管舒缩活动; 钙激活氯通道; 脑基底动脉; 压力肌动图


[Effects of calcium-activated chloride channels on vascular activity of rat cerebral basilar artery.] [Article in Chinese]

WANG Rui, LI Li*, MA Ke-Tao, SI Jun-Qiang

Department of Physiology, Shihezi University Medical College and the Key Laboratory of Xinjiang Endemic and Ethnic Diseases, Shihezi 832002, China


This study investigated the role of calcium-activated Cl- channels (CaCCs) in mediating vasomotor activity of cerebral basilar artery (BA) of Wistar rat. Pressure myograph was used to examine the changes in diameter of isolated BA to vasoactive reagents. The results showed that (1) The rate of pressure-induced vasomotor activity was 78.6% (n = 28) in BA from 0 to 100 mmHg working pressure. The contractile phase of the response was faster than the relaxation phase; (2) The amplitude of contraction was (62.6 ± 6.4) µm (n = 22), the frequency of contraction was variable and the highest value was 8.0 ± 2.3 per 5 min at 60 mmHg working pressure (n = 22); (3) The pressure-induced vasomotor activity of BA was markedly attenuated when Ca2+ was removed from medium; (4) The pressure-induced vasomotor activity was blocked by voltage dependent Ca2+ channel blocker nimodipine; (5) The pressure-induced vasomotor was inhibited by CaCC antagonists NFA and NPPB. These results suggest that the pressure-induced vasomotor activity of isolated BA is associated with Ca2+ influx that activates CaCCs.

Key words: vasomotor activity; calcium-activated Cl−; channels; basilar artery

收稿日期:2013-10-31  录用日期:2014-01-07

通讯作者:李丽  E-mail:


王蕊, 李丽, 马克涛, 司军强. 钙激活氯通道对大鼠脑基底动脉舒缩活动的影响[J]. 生理学报 2014; 66 (3): 295-301.

WANG Rui, LI Li, MA Ke-Tao, SI Jun-Qiang. [Effects of calcium-activated chloride channels on vascular activity of rat cerebral basilar artery.] [Article in Chinese]. Acta Physiol Sin 2014; 66 (3): 295-301 (in Chinese with English abstract).