ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



陈素珍, 曹咏清

中国科学院动物研究所生殖生物学开放实验室 北京 100080;北京医科大学生理教研室,北京 100083


本文利用凝集素为探针,以蛋白质免疫印渍分析法(Western Blot)研究了早期妊娠(D1至D12,交配日定为D0)兔子宫液中,WGA和PNA两种凝集素结合糖蛋白的动态变化规律,并用凝胶扫描仪对定性结果进行了定量分析。结果表明,着床前后(D6、D7和D9)子宫液中出现分子量分别为42kd和28kd的两种特异WGA结合糖蛋白,妊娠后出现大量分子量为75kd的PNA结合糖蛋白,于着床前(D6)达高峰,着床后逐渐减少,至D12消失。可见这三种子宫液糖蛋白均为阶段特异性糖蛋白,与着床关系密切。

关键词: 兔子宫液; 凝集素; 糖蛋白; 免疫印渍; 着床

Variation of WGA and PNA binding glycoproteins in early pregnant rabbit uterine fluid

CHEN Su-Zhen, CAO Yong-Qing

Laboratory of Reproductive Biology, Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, Beijing 100080


The qualitative and quantitative changes of two kinds of lectin (WGA, PNA) binding glycoproteins in early pregnant rabbit uterine fluid (D4-D12) were measured by Western blot and Video densitometer scanning methods. During peri-implantation stage (D6, D7 and D9), there are two WGA binding glycoproteins with MW about 42 kd, 28 kd and a PNA binding glycoprotein with MW 75 kd. It is suggested that the three proteins are stage-specific glycoproteins in rabbit uterine fluid in the course of implantation.

Key words: uterin fluid; WGA; PNA; glycoproten; Western blot

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陈素珍, 曹咏清. 早期妊娠兔子宫液WGA和PNA结合糖蛋白的变化[J]. 生理学报 1992; 44 (6): 603-608.

CHEN Su-Zhen, CAO Yong-Qing. Variation of WGA and PNA binding glycoproteins in early pregnant rabbit uterine fluid. Acta Physiol Sin 1992; 44 (6): 603-608 (in Chinese with English abstract).