ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



张连元, 董淑云, 杨军, 汤健, 苏静怡, 唐朝枢

华北煤炭医学院,唐山市 063000;北京医科大学心肺内分泌研究室,北京 100083


为探讨NO-样松驰因子(NO-LRF)在休克中的效应及其病理生理意义,本工作在大鼠止血带休克(ToS)模型上发现离体灌流的主动脉环对去甲肾上腺素的反应性降低,组织cGMP含量增加。用NO前体L-精氨酸(L-Arg)或NO合成阻断剂L-NNA,可溶性乌苷酸环化酶抑制剂亚甲蓝灌流,分别增强或减轻ToS动物主动脉的上述变化,而且这些药物的作用不受血管内皮是否存在的影响。实验结果提示非内皮细胞源的NO-LRF是引起ToS动物血管低反应性的因素之一。体内实验表明 L-Arg治疗缓解,而L-NNA恶化ToS病程,提示NO-LRF可能参与机体的适应保护机制。

关键词: 一氧化氮; 环化-碘酸乌苷; 止血带休克; 主动脉; 内皮

Effect of NO-like relaxing factor (NO-LRF) in rat tourniquet shock

ZHANG Lian-Yuan, DONG Shu-Yun, YANG Jun, IANG Jian, SU Jing-yi, TANG CHAO-SHU

Laboratory of Cardiopulmonary Endocrinology ,Beijing Medical University, Beijing 100083, China


On tourniquet shock (ToS) rat model, it was found that the reactivity of isolated perfused aortic ring to noradrenaline was decreased, while the cGMP content of the aortic tissue was increased. These ToS-induced changes could be potentiated or attenuated respectively by perfusion with NO-precursor, L-arginine, or NO-synthesis inhibitor L-NNA independent of the presence of vascular endothelium. Guanylate cyclase inhibitor, methylene blue, could also attenuate the aortic reactivity. All these results suggest that the aortic musculature can produce a NO-LRF factor capable of lowering the vascular reactivity of the ToS animals. That L-arginine can ameliorate while L-NNA can exacerbate ToS, suggest that NO-LRF do play an adaptive role in the protective mechanism of the organism during ToS.

Key words: Nitric oxide; cGMP; tourniquet shock; aorta; cndothelium

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张连元, 董淑云, 杨军, 汤健, 苏静怡, 唐朝枢. NO-样松驰因子在大鼠止血带休克中的作用[J]. 生理学报 1992; 44 (6): 576-582.

ZHANG Lian-Yuan, DONG Shu-Yun, YANG Jun, IANG Jian, SU Jing-yi, TANG CHAO-SHU. Effect of NO-like relaxing factor (NO-LRF) in rat tourniquet shock. Acta Physiol Sin 1992; 44 (6): 576-582 (in Chinese with English abstract).