ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



李恩中, 李德雪, 张世庆, 李澜, 王常勇, 张学明, 鲁景艳, 刘轶锴

军事医学科学院基础医学研究所.北京 100850;吉林大学畜牧兽医学院基础兽医系.吉林,长春 130002


为使精原干细胞(spermatogonial stem cells,SSCs)在体外大量扩增,需要阐明SSCs自增殖机制。为筛选SSCs自增殖相关因子,探索SSCs自增殖机制,该研究选取10日龄昆明乳鼠行隐睾手术,术后35d分别取小鼠两侧睾丸。组织学分析结果显示,实验性隐睾中生殖细胞的分化停滞在精母细胞阶段,且只有少量的精母细胞出现,精原细胞的比例高于正常成年雄性小鼠(45日龄)。应用双向凝胶电泳分析隐睾小鼠与正常成年小鼠睾丸差异表达蛋白。结果显示,与正常成年小鼠相比,隐睾小鼠睾丸中有9种蛋白表达发生了显著变化,其中6种蛋白表达下调,3种上调。对9种差异表达蛋白点胶内酶切后进行质谱分析,其中4种蛋白分别鉴定为磷脂酰乙醇胺结合蛋白1(phosphatidylethanolamine--binding protein1,PEBP1),HES--related basic helix--loop--helix protein(HERP),Stathmin蛋白和一种未命名蛋白。该研究通过制作有效的隐睾动物模型,运用蛋白组学的技术方法,成功筛选并鉴定了4种隐睾相关蛋白,有助于探讨SSCs自增殖及隐睾引起雄性不育的机制。

关键词: 隐睾; 小鼠; 蛋白表达谱

Differential analysis of proteomic profiles between cryptorchid and normal mouse testes

Li Enzhong, Li Dexue, Zhang Shiqing, Li Lan, Wang Changyong, Zhang Xueming, Lu Jingyan, Liu Yikai

Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Academy of Military Medical Science.Beijing 100850;China


To screen factors related to spermatogonial stem cell (SSC) proliferation, and to investigate the mechanism of infertility caused by cryptorchidism, ten-day-old Kunming (KM) mice were used and experimental cryptorchidism was conducted. On the 35th day after cryptorchid operation, the left testes were fixed in Bouin's fluid and used for histological analysis. The testes of 45-day-old mice were subjected to the same histological analysis, and it was found that they contained germ cells at every stage of development, from SSCs to sperm, indicating that the animals were fully sexually mature at this age. While in experimental cryptorchid mice, the spermatogenesis was arrested at the stage of spermatocytes, and only spermatogonia and primary spermatocytes were present in cryptorchid testes. The proportion of spermatogonia to other types of germ cells was much higher than that in sexually mature mice. On the other hand, the fight testes were used for proteomic analysis. The total protein in testes was extracted on the 35th day after cryptorchid operation. The differentially expressed proteins in cryptorchid mice and sexually mature mice were screened and compared by the proteomic techniques. Through the separation of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE), 20 differential protein spots were found, and 9 of them were digested and identified by the matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrum. In cryptorchid mice, 6 out of 9 proteins were down-regulated, and 3 were up-regulated. Among these proteins, 4 proteins were identified, and they were Stathmin, phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein1 (PEBP1), HES-related basic helix-loop-helixprotein (HERP), and one unnamed protein (we temporarily named it Px). More Stathmin, PEBP 1 and Px were expressed in sexually mature mice than in experimental cryptorchid mice. But HERP1 was the other way round. In the present study, we have screened 4 proteins related to cryptorchidism. It is helpful to study the mechanism of SSC proliferation and infertility caused by cryptorchidism.

Key words: cryptorchidism;Mice;protein expression profile

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李恩中, 李德雪, 张世庆, 李澜, 王常勇, 张学明, 鲁景艳, 刘轶锴. 隐睾小鼠与正常成年小鼠睾丸蛋白表达谱的差异分析[J]. 生理学报 2007; 59 (3): 345-350.

Li Enzhong, Li Dexue, Zhang Shiqing, Li Lan, Wang Changyong, Zhang Xueming, Lu Jingyan, Liu Yikai. Differential analysis of proteomic profiles between cryptorchid and normal mouse testes. Acta Physiol Sin 2007; 59 (3): 345-350 (in Chinese with English abstract).