ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



李晖, 李清红, 朱忠良, 陈蕊, 成大欣, 蔡青, 贾宁, 宋亮

西安交通大学医学院第一附属医院儿科.陕西,西安 710061;西安交通大学医学院生理学与病理生理学系.陕西,西安 710061;西北大学生命科学院.陕西,西安 710069


神经颗粒素(neurogranin,NG)是脑特异性突触后蛋白,参与在学习记忆功能中起核心作用的信号转导通路及突触可塑性。该研究旨在探讨产前束缚应激对子代大鼠海马NG表达的影响。连续7d对孕晚期大鼠进行束缚应激,建立产前束缚应激模型,分为对照雌、雄组,应激雌、雄组。采用免疫组化方法观察NG在产前束缚应激子代大鼠海马不同亚区的分布特点;采用蛋白免疫印迹方法检测产前束缚应激子代大鼠海马NG蛋白的表达。结果显示:各组子代大鼠海马各区均有NG蛋白表达,CA1和CA3区表达高于齿状回(dentate gyrus,DG);应激组雌、雄子代大鼠海马NG的表达明显低于对照组({sl P}<0.01),应激组雌性子代比雄性子代减少更显著,对照组雌、雄子代之间无差异。免疫组化与蛋白免疫印迹方法所得结果一致。上述结果表明,NG在产前束缚应激子代大鼠海马表达降低,并且雌性比雄性降低明显,NG对产前束缚应激子代大鼠有差异性调制,NG表达减少可能与产前束缚应激子代大鼠学习记忆能力下降有关。

关键词: 产前应激; 海马; 神经颗粒素

Prenatal restraint stress decreases neurogranin expression in rat offspring hippocampus

Li Hui, Li Qinghong, Zhu Zhongliang, Chen Rui, Cheng Daxin, Cai Qing, Jia Ning, Song Liang

Department of Paediatrics, First Affiliated Hospital,Medical College of Xi'an Jiaotong University.Xi'an 710061,Shaanxi;China;College of Life Science, Northwest University.Xi'an 710069,Shaanxi


Neurogranin, a neuron-specific postsynaptic protein, has been considered to play an important role in synaptic plasticity and learning and memory. The present study aimed to investigate the effects of prenatal restraint stress on neurogranin expression in rat offspring hippocampus. Pregnant rats were given a restraint stress (3 times a day for 7 d, 45 rain each time) at the late stage of gestation except that in the control group. The offspring rats were divided into four groups: femaie control group, maie control group, femaie stress group and maie stress group. Expression of neurogranin was determined by immunohistochemistry and Western blot. The results showed that neurogranin-positive immunostaining was detected in all areas of the hippocampus. The staining density was stronger in the CA1 and CA3 regions than that in the dentate gyrus (DG) region. Western blot assay showed that neurogranin protein level in female and male prenata/stressed offspring was significantly lower than that in the controls (P〈0.01). Neurogran/n level was significantly lower in the female stress group than that in the male stress group, whereas there was no significant gender difference in the control group. Immunohistochemical data further confirmed these results. The present study provides evidence that prenatal restraint stress induces gender-dependent decrease in neurogranin expression in the offspring hippocampus. The prenatal restraint stress-induced decrease in neurogranin expression in the hippocampus might be associated with the deficit in spatial learning and memory reported previously.

Key words: prenatal stress;Hippocampus;neurogranin

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李晖, 李清红, 朱忠良, 陈蕊, 成大欣, 蔡青, 贾宁, 宋亮. 产前束缚应激子代大鼠海马神经颗粒素表达降低[J]. 生理学报 2007; 59 (3): 299-304.

Li Hui, Li Qinghong, Zhu Zhongliang, Chen Rui, Cheng Daxin, Cai Qing, Jia Ning, Song Liang. Prenatal restraint stress decreases neurogranin expression in rat offspring hippocampus. Acta Physiol Sin 2007; 59 (3): 299-304 (in Chinese with English abstract).