ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



魏文祥, 杨吉成, 庄文卓, 白艳艳, 盛伟华, 缪竞诚

苏州大学医学院细胞与分子生物学教研室.江苏,苏州 215123



关键词: paf1复合体; paf1; CDC73; RTF1; 转录

Generation and characterization of antibody against paf1 complex in {sl Drosophila melanogaster}

Wei Wenxiang, Yang Jicheng, Zhuang Wenzhuo, Bai Yanyan, Sheng Weihua, Miao Jingcheng

Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology, School of Medicine, Soochow University.Suzhou 215123,Jiangsu


Paf1 complex was identified in yeast and characterized to function in transcription and its related events. We identified the Drosophila homological components of pafl, CDC73 and RTF1 of paf1 complex. The genes encoding Drosophila pafl, CDC73 and RTF1 were cloned and expressed. With the purified recombinant proteins of truncated components of paf1 complex, antibodies against the Drosophila pafl, CDC73 and RTF1 were generated. These antibodies have been shown to be able to detect the endogenous pafl subunits as well as their human counterparts in the HeLa extract. On Drosophila polytene chromosomes, these antibodies have been demonstrated to locate the paf1 complex at actively transcribing sites, which co-localized with phosphorylated RNA polymerase Ⅱ, indicating that paf1 complex in Drosophila is involved in transcription or the events coupling with transcription.

Key words: pafl complex;paf1;CDC73;RTF1;transcription

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魏文祥, 杨吉成, 庄文卓, 白艳艳, 盛伟华, 缪竞诚. 抗果蝇paf1复合体抗体的制备及其特性[J]. 生理学报 2006; 58 (6): .

Wei Wenxiang, Yang Jicheng, Zhuang Wenzhuo, Bai Yanyan, Sheng Weihua, Miao Jingcheng. Generation and characterization of antibody against paf1 complex in {sl Drosophila melanogaster}. Acta Physiol Sin 2006; 58 (6): (in Chinese with English abstract).