ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



于海玲, 安英, 邴艳华, 金清华, 崔勋, 金元哲

延边大学医学院药理学教研室.吉林,延吉 133000;延边大学医学院生理学教研室.吉林,延吉 133000


该实验用脑部微量透析法和高效液相色谱法观察急性失血诱发大鼠低血压时前庭神经内侧核(medial vestibular nucleus, MVN)内氨基酸类神经递质谷氨酸(glutamate,Glu)和牛磺酸(taurine,Tau)含量的变化,以了解MVN内这些氨基酸类递质是否参与血压的调节。实验观察到,正常血压大鼠MVN内Glu和Tau浓度在透析探针植入90min后趋于稳定,此时Glu的平均含量为(18.96±0.27)pmol/8#mu#l透析液,Tau的平均含量为(7.73±0.05)pmol/8 #mu#l透析液。动脉抽血1.5ml诱发急性低血压时,同侧MVN区Glu含量增加({sl P}<0.05),Tau含量减少({sl P}<0.05)。用利多卡因(lidocaine)短时阻断前庭传入及用化学方法永久破坏单侧前庭器官后,动脉抽血1.5ml使血压降低30%,同侧MVN内氨基酸类神经递质无明显改变。结果提示,急性失血引起的低血压可通过前庭器官影响MVN的活动,该区内氨基酸类递质可能参与这一活动的调节。

关键词: 前庭内侧核; 谷氨酸; 牛磺酸; 低血压

Changes of glutamate and taurine released in the medial vestibular nucleus following acute hypotension

Yu Hailing, An Ying, Bing Yanhua, Jin Qinghua, Cui Xun, Jin Yuanzhe

Department of Pharmacology,College of Medicine, Yanbian University.Yanji 133000,Jilin;China


In order to understand whether some special amino acids in the medial vestibular nucleus (MVN) of rats are involved in the regulation of blood pressure, we used microdialysis technique and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to measure the changes of glutamate and taurine in this central area. Acute hypotension was induced by hemorrhage from the femoral artery. It was observed that the basal release of glutamate and taurine in the MVN was stable about 90 min after the beginning of microdialysis. The basal release of glutamate was (18.96±0.27) pmol/sample (8#mu#l), and that of taurine was (7.73±0.05) pmol/sample (8 #mu#l). Glutamate release increased (P<0.05) and taurine release reduced (P<0.05) in the MVN in the hemorrhage-induced acute hypotensive rats. Nevertheless, these changes were not observed in the hemorrhage-induced acute hypotensive rats which were pretreated by infusing 2% lidocaine into the middle ear or 100 mg arsanilic acid into the tympanic cavity. These results suggest that the hemorrhage-induced acute hypotention can influence the activity of the neurons in the MVN by the afferent impulses from vestibular organ, and that some special amino acid transmitters in the MVN are involved in this process.

Key words: medial vestibular nucleus;Glutamate;Taurine;hypotension

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于海玲, 安英, 邴艳华, 金清华, 崔勋, 金元哲. 急性低血压对前庭神经内侧核区谷氨酸和牛磺酸含量的影响[J]. 生理学报 2006; 58 (2): .

Yu Hailing, An Ying, Bing Yanhua, Jin Qinghua, Cui Xun, Jin Yuanzhe. Changes of glutamate and taurine released in the medial vestibular nucleus following acute hypotension. Acta Physiol Sin 2006; 58 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).