ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



吕双红, 杨怡, 刘少君

军事医学科学院基础医学研究所.北京 100850;军事医学科学院国家生物医学分析中心.北京 100850


神经营养因子(nerve growth factor, NGF)诱导PC12细胞分化产生的神经元样细胞一直被认为属于分裂后的细胞,没有分裂能力。然而在该研究中,作者观察了一些已经发生分化的PC12细胞,这些细胞长有很长的神经突起,在形态上属于神经元样细胞。在这些细胞中,作者不仅检测到DNA合成,而且观察到这些细胞的分裂现象。更令人感兴趣的是,除了胞体发生分裂外,位于胞体分裂位置的突起也一分为二,分别分配给两个子细胞。这些结果说明,形态发生分化的神经元样 PC12细胞仍有分裂能力。该研究首次报道神经元样PC12细胞及其突起能发生分裂。

关键词: PC12细胞; 神经生长因子; 细胞分裂; 神经突起

An investigation on the division of neuronal PC12 cells induced by nerve growth factor

Lu Shuanghong, Yang Yi, Liu Shaojun

Institute of Basic Medical Sciences Academy of Military Medical Science.Beijing 100850;China


Neuronal PC12 cells induced by nerve growth factor (NGF) have been considered to be postmitotic and lack the ability to divide. However, in this study, we not only detected DNA synthesis but also observed cell division in some morphologically differentiated neuronal PC12 cells bearing long neurites. More interestingly, in addition to the division of perikaryon, the neurites located on the division site of the cell membrane also divided into two parts and were allocated to the two daughter cells. These results demonstrate that the morphologically differentiated neuronal PC12 cells still retain the ability to divide. This is the first report that neuronal PC12 cells as well as their neurites can divide.

Key words: PC12 cells;Nerve growth factor;Cell division;neurites

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吕双红, 杨怡, 刘少君. 神经营养因子诱导分化的神经元样PC12细胞分裂的研究[J]. 生理学报 2005; 57 (5): .

Lu Shuanghong, Yang Yi, Liu Shaojun. An investigation on the division of neuronal PC12 cells induced by nerve growth factor . Acta Physiol Sin 2005; 57 (5): (in Chinese with English abstract).