ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



马蓓, 易必达, 邢宝仁

第二军医大学生理教研室. 上海 200433;贵阳医学院生理教研室. 贵阳 500045



关键词: 糖皮质激素; 椎旁神经节; 兴奋性突触后电位; 快速作用


In the present study, the rapid effect of hydrocortisone 21-hemisuccinate (F-suc) on the amplitude of f-EPSP of B cells in isolated bullfrog symathetic ganglia was examined with the use of intracellular recording technique. It was found tha the amplitude of f-EPSP of B cells was decreased by F-suc, with a latency less than 3 min after the beginning of perfusion of F-suc. The inhibition of F-suc was concentration-dependent and could be blocked by the antagonist of intracellular glucocorticoid receptor RU38486, but not by the protein synthesis inhibitor actidione. These findings suggest that the inhibition of f-EPSP of B cells by F-suc is probably mediated through nongenomic mechanism.

Key words: ;;;

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马蓓, 易必达, 邢宝仁. 糖皮质激素快速抑制牛蛙椎旁神经节B细胞快兴奋性突触后电位[J]. 生理学报 1998; 50 (6): .

, , . . Acta Physiol Sin 1998; 50 (6): (in Chinese with English abstract).