ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



董艺娜, 毛慕华, 王晓民, 韩济生

北京医科大学神经科学研究所. 北京 100083;江西井冈山医学高等专科学校生理教研室. 吉安 343000



关键词: 电针; 镇痛; 耐受; k-阿片受体


The effect of repetitive 100 Hz EA stimulation on the characteristics of binding of Kopioid receptors in discrete brain regions and the spinal cord of rats was investigated by radioligand binding assay. 100 Hz EA was administered once a day (30 min) for 7 d.Changes in Bmax and Kd of K opioid receptors of 4 discrete brain regions (cortex,midbrain, pons-medulla and striatum) and spinal cord were observed at d 1, 3, 5 and 7 ,respectively. It was found that the numbers (Bmax) of K opioid receptors of all the brain regions observed were decreased during the development of 100 Hz EA tolerance with a differential time course . In rat cortex and pens-medulla, a marked down regulation of Kopioid receptors occurred within 24 h and remained at al low level throughout the observation. The Bmax of K receptor in spinal cord showed a bell-shaped curve, i. e., upregulation in the first 5 days and down regulation at d 7.

Key words: ;;;

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董艺娜, 毛慕华, 王晓民, 韩济生. 100Hz电针耐受时大鼠脑和脊髓k受体结合特性的改变[J]. 生理学报 1998; 50 (6): .

, , , . . Acta Physiol Sin 1998; 50 (6): (in Chinese with English abstract).