ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



任浩, 周瑞玲, 周崇坦*

承德医学院生理教研室,承德 067000


本文旨在建立小鼠后肢微创H反射模型,为临床脊髓损伤等相关疾病研究提供一个简便易行的诱导H反射的实验方法。对浅麻醉昆明小鼠后肢进行微创手术:在下肢股骨大转子与尾根部连线中外1/3交点处切开皮肤,将一对细铜线分别穿经浅层肌肉并绑扎固定于坐骨神经附近组织,作为第一对刺激电极;在踝部以上跟腱内侧靠近胫神经处浅层肌肉穿入另一对电极,作为第二对刺激电极;将细铜线穿过跖骨近端表面皮肤并绑扎固定作为记录电极;参考电极置于后肢拇趾根部足垫。把相应电极连接到肌电图诱发电位仪,记录M波和H波,并利用在下肢两不同刺激点所诱导的M波和H波潜伏期的差值测量神经传导速度。此模型H反射引出率在坐骨神经和胫神经处分别为92.73%和81.82%,H波潜伏期约为7~10 ms。测得运动神经传导速度(motor nerve conduction velocity, MNCV)和感觉神经传导速度(sensory nerve conduction velocity, SNCV)分别为(25.84 ± 4.70)和(31.45 ± 7.31) m/s。这种在小鼠后肢建立的微创H反射模型简便易行,对小鼠损伤轻微,所获得的波形干扰小,非常适用于对H反射潜伏期的研究以及需要小鼠较长时间保持良好生理状态的实验项目。此模型也可用于感觉和运动神经的传导速度检测。

关键词: 肌电图; 小鼠; H反射; 动物模型; 神经传导


[Establishment of H reflex model in mice with minimal insult and measurement of nerve conduction velocity.] [Article in Chinese]

REN Hao, ZHOU Rui-Ling, ZHOU Chong-Tan*

Department of Physiology, Chengde Medical College, Chengde 067000, China


The aim of the present study was to establish a minimally invasive H reflex model in mice for the benefit of the research of clinical spinal cord injury and related diseases. Minimally invasive surgery was performed in hind limb of Kunming mouse under light anesthesia. The skin was incised at the point of one-third of the distance from greater trochanter to the base of the cauda. A pair of fine copper conductors were inserted into the shallow muscle using a syringe needle. After the needles were withdrawed, the retained conductors were ligated and fixed with the tissues surrounding the sciatic nerve as the first pair of stimulating electrodes. Another pair of conductors were inserted and fixed in medial malleolus close to the tibial nerve as the second stimulating electrodes. Copper conductor was inserted passing the skin above the proximal end of the metatarsal and fixed as the recording electrode. The reference electrode was placed at the walking pad in the base of the big toe using the same method. Electromyography (EMG) was used to record M and H waves in planta pedis muscles. The stimulus was a square wave with a width of 0.2 ms and frequency of 0.3 Hz. The latency time of the M and H waves which were induced from the two pairs of stimulating electrodes was recorded. Nerve conduction velocity (NCV) was then calculated from the distance between the cathodes of the stimulating electrodes and the latency time difference of M or H waves. The result showed the achievement ratios of H reflex induction were 92.73% and 81.82% in sciatic and tibial nerves, respectively. The latency time of H wave was about 7~10 ms. Motor nerve conduction velocity (MNCV) obtained was (25.84 ± 4.70) m/s (n = 35), while sensory nerve conduction velocity (SNCV) was (31.45 ± 7.30) m/s (n = 35). The method established in the present paper is simple to practice, does slight harm to the animal, and can produce waveforms with little interference. With these advantages, the method can be applied for the study of the latency of H reflex, and it is suitable for the researches which demands good physical condition of experimental animal during H reflex study. This model can also be applied to the detection of SNCV and MNCV.

Key words: electromyography; H reflex; mice; animal model; neural conduction

收稿日期:2011-12-29  录用日期:2011-12-29

通讯作者:周崇坦  E-mail:


任浩, 周瑞玲, 周崇坦. 小鼠后肢微创H反射模型的建立及其在神经传导速度检测中的应用[J]. 生理学报 2012; 64 (4): 469-474.

REN Hao, ZHOU Rui-Ling, ZHOU Chong-Tan. [Establishment of H reflex model in mice with minimal insult and measurement of nerve conduction velocity.] [Article in Chinese] . Acta Physiol Sin 2012; 64 (4): 469-474 (in Chinese with English abstract).