ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



杨以谦, 吴晓云, 任惠民, 章生艮

上海市计划生育科学研究所. 上海;中国科学院上海生理研究所. 上海


该工作对Anordrin诱发幼年大鼠子宫嗜伊红细胞增多进行了研究,取得如下结果:(1)Anordrin 可诱发子宫嗜伊红细胞增多与子宫增重,两者近乎平行。(2)皮下注射远较口服的效应强。(3)注射一次Anordrin(100μg)后24h出现子宫反应,随后2-24d持续高反应,27d后渐趋下降。(4)Anordrin类似物SIPPR-113的雌激素活性较低,其诱发子宫嗜伊红细胞的效应甚微,子宫也无明显增重。

关键词: 子宫; 嗜伊红细胞; Anordrin; 雌激素活性

A fluorescence histochemical study of uterine eosinophilia induced by anororin in immature rats

Yang Yiqian, Wu Xiaoyun, Ren Hueimin, Zhang Shenggen

Shanghai Institute of Planned Parenthood Research;Shanghai Institute of Physiology, Academia Sinica


A fluorescence histochemical demonstration of uterine cositophilia induced by the Anordrin was studied in immature Wistar rats with the following results:
(1) Anordrin induced uterine eosinophilia and a nearly parallel increase in weight. (2) Subcutaneous injection showed much more potent effects than oral administration. (3) After a single injection of Anordrin (100ikg), the induced uterine effects could be noticed in about 24h and thereafter maintained at a high level during the subsequent 2-24 d period which then gradually subsided after 27th day.(4) SIPPR-113, an Anordrin analogue, with lower estrogenicity induced little migration of eosinophils into the uterus and slight increase in uterine weight.

Key words: Uterus;Eosinophil;Anordrin;Estrogenic activity

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杨以谦, 吴晓云, 任惠民, 章生艮. Anordrin诱发幼年大鼠子宫嗜伊红细胞增多的荧光组织化学研究[J]. 生理学报 1987; 39 (5): .

Yang Yiqian, Wu Xiaoyun, Ren Hueimin, Zhang Shenggen. A fluorescence histochemical study of uterine eosinophilia induced by anororin in immature rats. Acta Physiol Sin 1987; 39 (5): (in Chinese with English abstract).