ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



吴敏, 陈均, 余启祥

南京大学生物系生理教研室. 南京;中国医学科学院基础医学研究所


该文研究了刺激外周神经及中缝背核区对猫小脑皮层浦肯野细胞(Purkinje Cell,PC)电活动的影响。在清醒的去大脑猫上记录刺激桡深神经(NRP)及腓深神经(NPP)时PC的电变化,并观察刺激中缝背核区对PC自发放电以及肢体神经传入冲动诱发活动的影响。结果表明,刺激NPP和NRP均可引起小脑皮层第Ⅴ和第ⅦA小叶的PC产生兴奋或抑制反应。刺激中缝背核区对PC自发放电以及诱发活动主要起抑制性影响。

关键词: 中缝背核; 小脑皮层; 浦肯野细胞; 外周神经刺激

Effect of stimulation of dorsal raphe nucleus on activities of purkinje in cerebellar cortex of the cat

Wu Min, Chen Jun, Yu Qixiang

Division of Physiology, Department of Biology, Nanjing University. Nanjing 210008, China


The effect of stimulation of peripheral nerves and dorsal raphe nucleus on
activities of the cerebellar Purkinje cells (PC) in cats was studied. The experiments were performed on the decerebrate, unanesthetized cats. The changes in PC activity after stimulation of nervi peronaeus profundus (NPP) and nervi radilis profundus (NRP) were recorded, and the influence of raphe stimulation on the response of PC to peripheral inputs and on spontaneous activity of PC
were examined. The discharges in 38% PC of lobule A and 52% PC of lobule
Vwere either increased or depressed by NPP stimulation. The excitability of 27% PC in lobule AA was also changed following NRP stimulation. The response of PC to the raphe stimulation was mainly inhibitory in nature, i.e.,in 83% of the
cells. This suppressive effect became more marked when peripheral nerves were
stimulated. Possible role of dorsal raphe nucleus on the response of PC to peripheral inputs is discussed.

Key words: Dorsal raphe nucleus;Cerehellar cortex;Purkinje cell;Peripheral nervs stimulation

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吴敏, 陈均, 余启祥. 刺激中缝背核区对猫小脑皮层浦肯野细胞电活动的影响[J]. 生理学报 1987; 39 (5): .

Wu Min, Chen Jun, Yu Qixiang. Effect of stimulation of dorsal raphe nucleus on activities of purkinje in cerebellar cortex of the cat. Acta Physiol Sin 1987; 39 (5): (in Chinese with English abstract).