ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



周绍慈, 封茂滋

华东师范大学脑功能研究室. 上海


在39只用三碘季铵酚麻痹的成年家兔上观察刺激大脑皮层听区对内膝体神经元听反应的影响。刺激 Woolsey 氏 AⅠ、AⅡ区及其周围颞叶皮层,或刺激大脑嗅鼻沟后缘皮层,能抑制一部分 MGB 神经元的听反应,但也有少数神经元受到易化。有效的颞叶皮层刺激点分布范围弥散,而嗅鼻沟后缘皮层的有效刺激点分布得相当集中。根据抑制潜伏期较短以及抑制内膝体早、晚二反应的潜伏期相同等事实,作者认为,刺激嗅鼻沟后缘皮层对 MGB 神经元的下行性影响发生在 MGB 核团之内。

关键词: 颞区皮层; 内膝体; 抑制效应; 易化效应; 嗅鼻沟后缘听区皮层; 听区皮层下行性影响

Descending influence of auditory cortex behind rhinal sulcus (acbrs) on the electrical discharge of neurons in the medial geniculate body (mgb) of rabbits

Zhou Shaoci, Fend Maozi

Research Laboratory of Brain Function, Depzrtment of Biology, East China Normal Unioersiy. Shanghai, China


The influence due to the stimulation of the auditory cortex on the response of the MGB units was investigated on 39 adult rabbits immobilized with Flaxedil. The stimulation of the Woolseys' A I ,A II or their surrounding temporal area and the stimulation of the ACBRS could inhibit the auditory response of partial MGB units, but a few units were faciliated during such cortical stimulation. The stimulated temporal cortical points,which gave such inhibitory and facilitatory effects, had a considerably wide distribution, whereas the stimulated ACBRS points, which had similar effects, concentrated in a relatively limited region. Since the latent period of inhibitory effect caused by ACBRS stimulation on the activity of MGB unit was about 1-2 ms, and since this stimulation could inhibit both the early and the late responses of MGB unit with the same latent period, the authors are of the opinion that the descending influence produced by ACBRS stimulation takes place within the MGB nucleus.

Key words: Temporal cortex;Medial geniculate body;Auditory cortex behind rhinal sulcus;Descending influence of auditory cortex;Inhibitory effect;Facilitatory effect

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周绍慈, 封茂滋. 家兔大脑嗅鼻沟后缘皮层对内膝体神经元电活动的下行性影响[J]. 生理学报 1985; 37 (3): .

Zhou Shaoci, Fend Maozi. Descending influence of auditory cortex behind rhinal sulcus (acbrs) on the electrical discharge of neurons in the medial geniculate body (mgb) of rabbits. Acta Physiol Sin 1985; 37 (3): (in Chinese with English abstract).