ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



陈奇, 张万琴, 梅懋华

遵义医学院生理教研室. 贵州;大连医学院生理教研室消化生理研究组. 辽宁


该工作用制备 Thomas 胰瘘和胃痿的5条狗进行慢性实验。实验时用0.1N 盐酸灌入十二指肠以刺激胰液分泌,并分別注射吗啡或/和纳洛酮,观察它们对胰液分泌和对胰液中碳酸氢盐和蛋白质浓度的影响。另外作者还观察了吗啡和纳洛酮对6条狗离体胰主导管紧张性的影响。结果表明:(1)吗啡抑制了胰液分泌量,对胰液中碳酸氢盐和蛋白质浓度无影响,由于分泌量减少故两者的排出量显著减少(P<0.05),(2)纳洛酮本身对胰液分泌量和碳酸氢盐及蛋白质浓度均无影响;(3)纳洛酮可以加强吗啡抑制胰液分泌的作用(P<0.01);(4)吗啡能增加狗的离体胰主导管肌条的紧张性,纳洛酮不能阻断或翻转吗啡的这一效应,相反能加强其效应。

关键词: 胰液分泌; 碳酸氢盐排出量; 蛋白质排出量; 吗啡; 纳洛酮; 胰导管的紧张性

Effects of morphine and naloxone on canine pancreatic secretion induced by acidified duodenum

Chen Qi, Zhang Wanqin, Mei Maohua

Research Group of Gastroenterology, Department of Physiology, Dalian Medical College. Liaoning, China


Five mongrel dogs were prepared with chronic gastric and pancreatic fistula before experiment for insertion of cannula and collection of pancreatic juice. Pancreatic secretion stimulated by infusion of 0.1 N HC1 into the duodenum,can be prevented by i. v. injection of morphine and/or naloxone. The volume of pancreatic secretion and the concentrations of bicarbonate and protein in the juice were assayed. The effects of morphine and/or naloxone on the tension of the muscular strip of main pancreatic duct were also observed in vitro in six dogs. The results were as follows: (1) Morphine inhibited the volume of pancreatic secretion and decreased bicarbonate and protein outputs (P<0.05) but did not affect bicarbonate and protein concentrations, (2) Naloxone per se had no effect on either pancreatic secretion or biocarbonate and protein concentrations. (3) However, it would increase the inhibitory effect of morphine on pancreatic secretion (P<0.01). (4) Morphine increased the tension of the muscular strip of the main pancreatic duct in vitro but this was not affected by naloxone. Taking all these observations together, the present study suggests that the inhibitory effect of morphine on pancreatic bicarbonate and protein outputs may be due to its contracting effect on pancreatic duct.

Key words: Pancreatic secretion;Bicarbonate output;Protein output;Morphine;Naloaone;Tension of pancreatic duct

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陈奇, 张万琴, 梅懋华. 吗啡和纳洛酮对酸化十二指肠引起狗胰液分泌的影响[J]. 生理学报 1985; 37 (3): .

Chen Qi, Zhang Wanqin, Mei Maohua. Effects of morphine and naloxone on canine pancreatic secretion induced by acidified duodenum. Acta Physiol Sin 1985; 37 (3): (in Chinese with English abstract).