ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



邬颖, 陈庚新, 徐学峥

浙江医科大学生理教研室. 浙江;上海第二医学院生理教研室. 上海


该实验以心室颤动阈(VFT)作为心室易颤性的指标,观察胆碱类物质氨甲酰胆碱对大鼠缺血心室 VFT 的影响及其与心肌 cAMP 和 cGMP 水平的关系。实验结果表明,氨甲酰胆碱可提高正常心脏和急性局部缺血心脏的 VFT,提高缺血和未缺血心肌的 cGMP 水平,但明显降低缺血心肌 cAMP 水平,使缺血和未缺血心肌的 cAMP/cGMP 比值显著降低,其作用与肾上腺素正好相反。实验结果还表明,急性局部缺血心脏的 VFT 与缺血心肌 cAMP/cGMP 比值之间有密切的负相关关系,相关系数 r=-0.905(n=22,P<0.001)。

关键词: 心室颤动阈; 氨甲酰胆碱; 肾上腺素; 环磷酸腺苷; 环磷酸鸟苷

Effects of carbamylcholine on the ventricular fibrillation threshold and its relation to the levels of cAMP and cGMP in rat ischemic ventricle

Wu Ying, Chen Gengxin, Hsu Hsuechang

Department of Physiology, Zhejiang Medical University. Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of cholinomimetic agent, carbamylcholine, on VFT in the normal and regional ischemic isolated rat hearts in relation to the levels of cAMP and cGMP in the ischemic and non-ischemic myocardia. Carbamylcholine increased significantly the VFT in both normal and regional ischemic rat hearts, suggesting that the activity of vagal-cholinergic system might exert a protective effect against ventricular fibrillation during early AMI. It was also found that carbamylcholine elevated the levels of cGMP in the ischemic and non-ischemic myocardia but markedly lowered the level of cAMP in the ischemic myocardium, and thus the cAMP/cGMP ratio in both cases was decreased correspondingly. In contrast, adrenaline lowered VFT and elevated CAMP/cGMP ratio. The data obtained showed a high negative correlation between VFT and cAMP/cGMP ratio in the ischemic myocardium. These results suggest that the cAMP/ cGMP ratio in the ischemic myocardium might play an important role in the genesis of ventricular fibrillation. Possible mechanism involved was discussed.

Key words: Ventricular fibrillation threshold;Carbamylcholine;Adrenaline;Cyclic adenosine 3' S'-monophosphate;Cyclic guanosine 3' 5'-monophosphate

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邬颖, 陈庚新, 徐学峥. 氨甲酰胆碱(Carbamylcholine)对大鼠缺血心室致颤阈值的影响及其与cAMP、cGMP的关系[J]. 生理学报 1985; 37 (3): .

Wu Ying, Chen Gengxin, Hsu Hsuechang. Effects of carbamylcholine on the ventricular fibrillation threshold and its relation to the levels of cAMP and cGMP in rat ischemic ventricle. Acta Physiol Sin 1985; 37 (3): (in Chinese with English abstract).