ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



黄武新, 刘传缋

军事医学科学院药理毒理研究所. 北京


在乌拉坦氯醛糖混合麻醉猫上,平静呼吸时膈神经和肋间外神经α纤维单纤维放电时程、冲动数、冲动频率及休止期经统计处理无明显差别。切断双侧迷走神经后呼吸深慢,两种神经的冲动频率升高、放电时程延长及冲动数增多。窒息时两种神经电活动先增强,然后同时停止活动。索曼0.2—3μg 椎动脉或10—20μg/kg 静脉注射后,主要抑制膈神经放电的占85%和87%,无主要抑制肋间外神经的反应。椎动脉注射吗啡0.5—5mg,主要抑制肋间外神经放电的反应则占58%,无抑制膈神经放电的反应。从膈神经元所在的颈髓局部浸润索曼不能停止膈神经节律吸气放电。

关键词: 膈神经; 肋间神经; 神经纤维电位; 索曼; 吗啡

Effects of soman and morphine on the phrenic and external intercostal nerve discharges of the cat

Huang Wuxin, Liu Churngui

Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Academy of Military Medical Sciences. Beijing, China


Discharges of the phrenic and external intercostal nerve fibers were recorded simultaneously on the cats anesthetized with urethane and chloralose. During quiet respiration, the phrenic and external intercostal nerve single fibers had no statistically significant differences in duration of bursts, number of impulses, impulse frequency and duration of silent period. After bilateral vagotomy, both phrenic and external intercostal nerve fibers had longer duration of bursts and higher frequency of impulses. During asphyxia, both phrenic and external intercostal nerves increased activityat first, then ceased firing at the same moment. After the administration of 0.2-3 #mu#g soman into vertebral artery or 10-20 #mu#g/kg into femoral vein, the phrenic firing was inhibited and at that moment the external intercostal nerve did not stop firing (type I reaction) in 40 of 47 (85 %) and 13 of 15 (87%) cats respectively. In all of these cats, we never saw type III reaction (external intercostal firing stopped while phrenic nerve was still firing). On the contrary, administration of 0.5-5 mg morphine into vertebral artery resulted in type III reaction in 7 of 12 cats (58%) but no type I reaction was observed. After cotton paper soaking up 2 #mmu#g soman was placed on the ventral surface of cervical spinal cord in which phrenic motoneurons are located, the rhythmic phrenic nerve activity did not stop. The results suggest that dorsal respiratory group which innervates phrenic nerve mainly and ventral respiratory group which innervates external intercostal nerve mainly have similar activity during quiet respiration, vagotomy and asphyxia; while these two groups changed their activity in different ways after, soman and morphine were administered into vertebral artery.

Key words: Phrenfic nerve;Intercostal nerve;Nerve fiber potential;Soman;Morphine

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黄武新, 刘传缋. 索曼和吗啡对猫膈神经和肋间外神经放电的影响[J]. 生理学报 1985; 37 (2): .

Huang Wuxin, Liu Churngui. Effects of soman and morphine on the phrenic and external intercostal nerve discharges of the cat. Acta Physiol Sin 1985; 37 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).