ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



檀东平, 邹冈

中国科学院上海药物研究所. 上海


该实验采用 Yaksh 和 Rudy 的慢性埋植套管鞘内注射的方法,观察了 TRH 对大鼠甩尾反射的直接作用以及与吗啡的相互作用。鞘内注射1μg、5μg和10μgTRH 能产生时程长的缩短甩尾潜伏期的效应,且这种效应呈剂量反应关系。在鞘内注射 TRH 的情况下,皮下或鞘内注射吗啡仍可产生吗啡的镇痛效应。先注射吗啡,TRH 不能翻转吗啡的延长甩尾潜伏期的效应。结合该文及文献上的其他结果说明:TRH 作用于脊髓靠近传出的部分,而吗啡则作用于脊髓靠近传入的部分。

关键词: TRH; 吗啡; 甩尾潜伏期; 鞘内注射

Facilitation of rat tall-flick reflex by intrathecal thyrotropin releasing hormone and its interaction with morphine

Tan Dongping, Zou Gang

Shanghai Institute of Maleria Medica, Academia Sinica. Shanghai, China


In this experiment, the direct spinal effect of TRH on tail-flick reflex and its interaction with morphine were studied by intrathecal injection according to Yaksh and Rudy (1976). Intrathecal injection of 1 #mu#g, 5 #mu#g or 10 #mu#g of TRH produced a dose-related long lasting shortening of tail-flick latency..Either intrathecal or subcutaneous morphine could induce its full analgesic effect in spite of the presence of intrathecal TRH. When morphine was injected first, intrathecal TRH was unable to reverse the morphine prolongation of tail-flick latency. These results suggest that TRH acts on spinal elements closer to the efferent side, while morphine acts on spinal elements closer to the afferent side.

Key words: TRH;Morphine;Tail-flick latency;Intrathecal injection

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檀东平, 邹冈. 促甲状腺激素释放激素(TRH)鞘内注射易化大鼠甩尾反射及其与吗啡的交互作用[J]. 生理学报 1985; 37 (2): .

Tan Dongping, Zou Gang. Facilitation of rat tall-flick reflex by intrathecal thyrotropin releasing hormone and its interaction with morphine. Acta Physiol Sin 1985; 37 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).