ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



佟振清, 陈水村, 张枫桐

第一军医大学生理教研室. 广东, 广州


在51只清醒麻痹家兔身上,记录了丘脑束旁核痛兴奋(PfPE)和痛抑制(PfPI)单位的放电。观察刺激尾核头背部(DHCN)对 PfPE 和 PfPI 单位自发放电和痛放电的影响。(1)刺激 DHCN时,在28个 PfPE 单位中,19个的自发放电发生抑制反应,7个无变化,2个增强;在6个PfPI 单位中,5个的自发放电增加,1个无变化。(2)刺激 DHCN 时,在38个 PfPE 单位中。2个的痛放电兴奋增强,6个无变化,30个被抑制。其中12个呈抑制反应的单位,8个立即发生在刺激 DHCN 之后,并延续700—1600ms,在10个 PfPI 单位中,7个的痛放电发生兴奋反应,3个无变化。这些结果提示,DHCN 对丘脑 PfPE 和 PfPI 单位在处理痛觉信息上具有调制作用。

关键词: 尾核; 束旁核; 自发放电; 痛放电; 调制作用

Effects of stimulation of rabbit caudate nucleus on units responsive to noxious stimuli in the parafascicular nucleus of thalamus

Tong Zhenqing, Chen Shuicun, Zhang Fengtong

Department of Physiology, The First Medical College of PLA. Guangzhou, Guangdong, China


The discharges of parafascicular units excited by noxious stimuli (PfPE) and inhibited by those (PfPI) in 51 conscious and curarized rabbits were recorded. The effects of stimulation of the dorsal part of the head of caudate nucleus (DHCN) on the spontaneous and nociceptive discharges of these units were studied. (1) Among the 28 PfPE units, the spontaneous discharges of 19 units were inhibited by caudate stimulation, those of 2 units were enhanced, while those of the remaining 7 units showed no change. Among the 6 PfPI units, the spontaneous discharges were enhanced in 5 units and unchanged in 1 unit. (2) Among the 38 PfPE units, the nociceptive discharges were enhanced in 2 units, inhibited in 30 units, while showed no change in 6 units. This inhibitory effect occurred immediately at the beginning of the stimulation of DHCN and lasted for 700-1600 ms in 8 out of 12 of the 30 inhibited units. Among the 10 PfPI units, nociceptive discharges were enhanced in 7 units and no effect was observed in 2 units. The results described above suggest that DHCN plays a modulatory action in the integration of pain information in PfPE and PfPI units and that this action may be carried out via both direct and indirect pathways, according to the relatively short latent period and long duration of this inhibitory effect.

Key words: Caudate nucleus;Parafascicular nucleus;Spontaneous discharges;Paindischarges;Modulatory action

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佟振清, 陈水村, 张枫桐. 刺激家兔尾核对丘脑束旁核痛兴奋和痛抑制单位放电的影响[J]. 生理学报 1985; 37 (2): .

Tong Zhenqing, Chen Shuicun, Zhang Fengtong. Effects of stimulation of rabbit caudate nucleus on units responsive to noxious stimuli in the parafascicular nucleus of thalamus. Acta Physiol Sin 1985; 37 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).