ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



杨晓明, 谢玲, 吴祖泽, 贺福初

军事医学科学院放射医学研究所. 北京 100850



关键词: 肝再生增强因子; mRNA 肝再生; 肝部分切除

Increase in the level of augmenter of liver regeneration mRNA in the rat regenerating liver after partial hepatectomy

Yang Xiaoming, Xie Ling, Wu Zuze, Wu Chutse

Institute of Radiation Medicine, Academy of Military Medical Sciences. Beijing 100850


Augmenter of liver regeneration (ALR) is a novel hepatic stimulator. After 70% of the rat liver was removed, ALR-like activity in the remnant liver began to increase within 24 h. In parallel with the activity, the ALR mRNA level in the remnant liver increased 12 h after the operation and reached a maximum in 24 h. These findings indicate that the liver itself produees ALR, which may be a hepatotropic factor acting as a trigger for liver regeneration.

Key words: Augmenter of liver regeneration;mRNA;Liver regeneration

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杨晓明, 谢玲, 吴祖泽, 贺福初. 肝部分切除后肝再生增强因子信使核糖核酸(mRNA)表达增强[J]. 生理学报 1997; 49 (5): .

Yang Xiaoming, Xie Ling, Wu Zuze, Wu Chutse. Increase in the level of augmenter of liver regeneration mRNA in the rat regenerating liver after partial hepatectomy. Acta Physiol Sin 1997; 49 (5): (in Chinese with English abstract).