ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



陆利民, 李海雁, 汪蓉, 姚泰

上海医科大学生理学教研室. 上海 200032



关键词: 血管升压素; 应激; 斑点杂交; 血浆渗透压

Effect of stressful stimulations on hypothalamic vasopressin mRNA level of rats

Lu Limin, Li Haiyan, Wang Rong, Yao Tai

Department of Physiology, Shanghai Medical University. Shanghai 200032, China


Experiments were cdried out in shessful foot shock and noise stimulated male Spmpe Daway rats. 3'-end digovigenin-labeled 26 mer oligonucliohde the was used to detect the vasopessin (AVP) InRN in hppthaldric hssues. Dot blotting tecboque was used in the assessment of AVP mRNA level. The results showed that the tall systolic arterial pressare of rats incaxd gradually ther sbessful shmulallons of foot shock in cornbination with noise. The difference in tall systolic blood pressme between control and shmulated rats was stahshcally significant after 5-day shmulation. By the ninth day, the systolic blood pressare of the sbessed rats reached the highest level and drintalned thereafter for sevend days. No significant difference was observed in the AVP-mRNA level between control and sbessed rats by the time when stimulated for 4 days, but it significanily increases when stimulated for 6 day or longer (by the 6th day: P<0.005; by the l5th day: P<0.001).

Key words: Vasopressin;Stress;Dot-blothng;Plasma osmolality

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陆利民, 李海雁, 汪蓉, 姚泰. 应激刺激对大鼠下丘脑血管升压素mRNA水平的影响[J]. 生理学报 1997; 49 (5): .

Lu Limin, Li Haiyan, Wang Rong, Yao Tai. Effect of stressful stimulations on hypothalamic vasopressin mRNA level of rats. Acta Physiol Sin 1997; 49 (5): (in Chinese with English abstract).