ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



万勤, 王福庄, 要航, 刘振伟, 黄燕华, 丁爱石

军事医学科学院基础医学研究所. 北京 100850



关键词: 腺苷; 缺氧; Fluo-3; [Ca~(2+)]_(i); 海马神经元

Effect of adenosine on intracellular free calcium in cultured rat hippocampal CA1 neurons during anoxia

Wan Qin, Wang Fuzhuang, Yao Hong, Liu Zhenwei, Huang Yanhua

Institute of Basic Medical Sciences. Beijing 100850, China


Intracellular free Ca~(2+) concentration ([Ca~(2+)]_(i)) was measured by laser scanning confocal microscope, using Ca~(2+) indicator Fluo-3 in cultured hippocampal CA1 neurons isolated from newborn rat. The results showed that acute anoxia induced a rapid increase of [Ca~(2+)], in hippocampal CA1 neurons, and this increase could be attenuated by 100 #mu#mol/L adenosine significantly. This effect of adenosine could be suppressed by adenosine Al receptor antagonist CPT or potassium channel blockers, 4-AP and glipizide.These regults suggest that adenosine activates 4-AP- or ATP-sensitive potassium channels through A1 receptors, and consequently inhibits the [Ca~(2+)]_(i), elevation in hippocampal netirons during anoxia.

Key words: Adenosine;Anokia;[Ca~(2+)]_(i);Fluo-3;Hippocampal neurons

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万勤, 王福庄, 要航, 刘振伟, 黄燕华, 丁爱石. 腺苷对缺氧时海马神经元内游离Ca~(2+)的影响[J]. 生理学报 1997; 49 (5): .

Wan Qin, Wang Fuzhuang, Yao Hong, Liu Zhenwei, Huang Yanhua. Effect of adenosine on intracellular free calcium in cultured rat hippocampal CA1 neurons during anoxia. Acta Physiol Sin 1997; 49 (5): (in Chinese with English abstract).