ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q


冷冻或切除小脑蚓部山顶(Culmen)对豚鼠“踏步自动作用”(Stepping automatism)的影响

刘世熠, 张文远, 王泽盛, 王虹

中国科学院上海生理研究所. 上海


该研究探讨部分冷冻或切除小脑蚓部(vermis)对整体豚鼠“踏步自动作用”(stepping automatism)的影响。“踏步自动作用”由作者近年来发现的诱发踏步物质(SIS)(4-R-2,2,5,5-四(三氟甲基)-咪唑啉)所引起。结果表明部分冷冻或切除小脑蚓部的山顶(culmen,Ⅴ和Ⅳ叶)和中央叶(Centralis,Ⅲa,b)明显增强豚鼠的“踏步自动作用”。冷冻小脑不能触发,但仅能调控“踏步自动作用”。这种调控作用对自动化程度差的弱“踏步自动作用”特别显著。蚓部山顶(Ⅴ叶为主)同时调控左右前肢踏步,而一侧蚓部山顶及其半球则主要调控同侧前肢踏步。

关键词: 小脑; 踏步自动作用; 诱发踏步物质(SIS); 冷冻; 切除; 豚鼠

Effect of cooling or ablation of the culmen of cerebellar vermis on “stepping automatism”in guinea pigs

Liu Shiyi, Zhang Wenyuan, Wang Zeshen

Shanghai Institute of Physiology, Academy Sinica. Shanghai, China;Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Academy Sinica. Shanghai, China


The present paper concerns investigation of the effect of partial cooling or ablation of the culmen of the cerebellar vermis on “stepping automatism” inntact guinea pigs. Regular "stepping automatism" was induced via our recently reported SIS (Substances capable of Inducing Stepping)[(4-R-2,2,5,5-tetrakis (trifluoromethyl)-imidazoline)].Results show that partial cooling or ablation of the culmen (V and IV lobules) and centralis(III a, b) of the cerebellar vermis significantly facilitated SIS-induced "stepping automatism" in guinea pigs. Cooling of the cerebellum could only modulate but not trigger stepping movements. This modulation was most prominent in those guinea pigs exhibiting weak "stepping automatism". It is worthy of note that the culmen of cerebellar vermis modulated both left and right forelimbs simultaneously, whereas the lateral part of culmen of cerebellar vermis and hemisphere predominantly modulated ipsilateral forelimb. Results show that when the interfacial temperature between the cooling probe and tentorium cerebelli was appropriate (5℃-0℃), the effects of partial ablation could be very largely mimicked.

Key words: SIS [(4-R-2,2,5,5-tetrakis (trifuoromethyl)-imidazoline)];Cerebellum;Cooling;Ablation;Stepping automatism;Guinea pig

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刘世熠, 张文远, 王泽盛, 王虹. 冷冻或切除小脑蚓部山顶(Culmen)对豚鼠“踏步自动作用”(Stepping automatism)的影响[J]. 生理学报 1987; 39 (5): .

Liu Shiyi, Zhang Wenyuan, Wang Zeshen. Effect of cooling or ablation of the culmen of cerebellar vermis on “stepping automatism”in guinea pigs. Acta Physiol Sin 1987; 39 (5): (in Chinese with English abstract).