ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



徐守中, 覃玉智, 莫少珍, 徐敏

广西中医学院生理教研室. 广西, 南宁;中广州医学院. 广州


该工作系在微小气候相对恒定条件下,对10名健康男青年每人进行四项实验。实验 Ⅰ 为测定双侧腿足浸入43℃水中,诱发左前臂屈侧显现定量汗点时的口腔温度(舌下)阈值,作为发汗调定点参考值(ToSSP);实验 Ⅱ 为 Ⅰ 附加右臂间歇轻负荷运动(77W)时测定 ToSSP,部分对象还记录了皮肤电反应;实验 Ⅲ、Ⅳ 为 Ⅰ、Ⅱ 均附加4.5m/s 气流(22—25℃)直吹头面部,再分别测定 ToSSP。实验 Ⅰ 与 Ⅱ 同体对照22人次,Ⅲ 与 Ⅳ 同体对照24人次。

关键词: 调定点; 发汗; 单臂运动; 皮肤电反应; 皮肤温; 心率

The influence of intermitient exercise of human unilateral arm on set-point for sweating

Xu Shouzhong, Qin Yuzhi, Mo Shaozhen, Xu Min

Department of Physiology, Guangxi College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Nanning, China


Under the conditions of relative constant microclimate,each of 10 healthy youths
was undergone 4 groups of experiments. In experiment Ⅰ,by heating the legsfeet in 43℃ water, the recipient's oral threshold temperature for the onset of sweating on the volar surface of left forearm was measured as a reference for the setpoint of sweating onset (ToSSP). In exp. Ⅱ,the recipient's ToSSP was measured as exp. Ⅰ,but with the right arm performing intermittently an exercise of 77W, meanwhile, some recipients' galvanic skin responses of left forearm were recorded. When exp. Ⅰ or exp. Ⅱ was performed under a special condition of adding an air flow (22-25℃) of 4.5m/s to the forehead and face by a small electric fan,cxp.Ⅲ or Ⅳ was denominated respectively. To compare exp. Ⅰ with exp.Ⅱ were carried out 22 times, while comparing exp.Ⅲ with exp. Ⅳ were 24 times.

Key words: Set-point;Sweating;Unilateral arm exercise;Galvanic skin response;Skin temperature;Heart rate

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徐守中, 覃玉智, 莫少珍, 徐敏. 人体单臂间歇运动对发汗调定点的影响[J]. 生理学报 1987; 39 (2): .

Xu Shouzhong, Qin Yuzhi, Mo Shaozhen, Xu Min. The influence of intermitient exercise of human unilateral arm on set-point for sweating. Acta Physiol Sin 1987; 39 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).