ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



马文领, 张文斌, 郭峰

第四军医大学解剖学教研室暨梁銶琚脑研究中心. 西安 710032


三叉神经脊束间质核(interstitial nucleus ofthe spinaltrigeminal tract,INV)为位于三叉神经脊束内的一些灰质团块,经三叉神经和舌咽及迷走神经接受口面部的三叉神经躯体传入与上消化道的内脏伤害性传入.INV内含有大量含calbindingD-28k(CB)神经元,但尚不清楚支配口面部的三叉神经躯体传入与支配上消化道的内脏伤害性传入是否汇聚于INV内含CB的神经元。

关键词: 三叉神经脊束间质核; 共聚焦显微镜; 电镜; 汇聚; 伤害性传入; calbindin D-28K(CB); Fos蛋白

Somatic and visceral nociceptive inputs from the orofacial area and the upper alimentary tract converge onto CB-containing neurons in interstitial nucleus of the spinal trigeminal tract in rats

Ma Wenling, Zhang Wenbin, Guo Feng

Department of Anatomy and K. K. Leung Brain Research Centre, Fourth Military Medical University. Xi'an 710032, China;Departmenf of Military Hygiene, Faculty of Naval Medicine, The Second Military Medical University. Shanghai 200433, China


The interstitial nucleus of the spinal trigeminal tract (INV) contains many calbindin-D28k-containing neurons (CB-neurons) receiving convergence information from the somatic and visceral structures. The purpose of the present study was to confirm whether the primary afferent terminals from the inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) make close contact and synaptic connections with the same CB-neurons receiving visceral nociceptive signals in INV. Biotinylated dextran amine (BDA) and horseradish peroxidase (H) tracing combined with CB and Fos proteins immunohistochimistry were used.

Key words: Interstitial nucleus of the spinal trigeminal tract (INV);Laser scanning confocal microscope;Electron microscope;Converge;;;

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马文领, 张文斌, 郭峰. 大鼠口面部躯体和上消化道内脏伤害性传入汇聚于三叉神经脊束间质核含CB神经元[J]. 生理学报 2004; 56 (5): .

Ma Wenling, Zhang Wenbin, Guo Feng. Somatic and visceral nociceptive inputs from the orofacial area and the upper alimentary tract converge onto CB-containing neurons in interstitial nucleus of the spinal trigeminal tract in rats. Acta Physiol Sin 2004; 56 (5): (in Chinese with English abstract).