ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



赵画晨, 武冬梅, 崔香丽, 吴博威

山西医科大学生理教研室. 山西, 太原 030001



关键词: 大鼠; 乳头肌; 肌力作用; 钠钙交换; E-4031; KB-R7943; ouabain

Enhancement of sodium-calcium exchange induces positive inotropic action and potentiates ouabain effect in rat hearts

Zhao Huachen, Wu Dongmei, Cui Xiangli, Wu Bowei

Departments of Physiology. Taiyuan, Shangxi 030001, China;Department of Pharmacology ShanXi Medical University. Taiyuan, Shanxi 030001, China


To study the inotropic effect of enhanced Na+-Ca2+ exchange in the rat papillary muscles and isolated heart, the developed tension in the rat papillary muscles was measured and the left ventricular functions were assessed in the isolated rat heart. E-4031, a selective activator for Na+-Ca2+ exchange in rats, concentration-dependently increased the developed contractile tension in the rat papillary muscles (P<0.05, n=6) and the left ventricular functions in the isolated heart; KB-R7943, a selective Na+-Ca2+ exchange inhibitor,exhibited opposite effect.

Key words: Rat;Papillary muscle;Inotropic effect;Na~(+)-Ca~(2+) exchange;E-4031;KB-R7943;ouabain

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赵画晨, 武冬梅, 崔香丽, 吴博威. 增强Na+-Ca2+交换对大鼠心脏的正性变力作用及对哇巴因效应的加强[J]. 生理学报 2004; 56 (4): .

Zhao Huachen, Wu Dongmei, Cui Xiangli, Wu Bowei. Enhancement of sodium-calcium exchange induces positive inotropic action and potentiates ouabain effect in rat hearts. Acta Physiol Sin 2004; 56 (4): (in Chinese with English abstract).