ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



王玮, 朱国庆, 高列, 谭文, 钱忠明

美国内布拉斯加州立大学医学中心生理和生物物理系. 美国, 奥马哈;南京医科大学生理教研室. 江苏, 南京 210029;苏州创新药物动物实验研究中心. 江苏, 苏州 215011;香港理工大学应用生物和化学技术系



关键词: 压力感受器反射; 化学感受器反射; 心力衰竭; 血管紧张素Ⅱ; 活性氧; 运动训练

Baroreceptor reflex in heart failure

Wang Wei, Zhu Guoqing, Gao Lie, Tan Wen, Qian Zhongming

Department of Physiology and Biophysics, University of Nebraska College of Medicine Omaha. NE 68198-4575, USA;Department of Physiology, Nanjing Medical University. Nanjing 210029, China;Suzhou Preclinical Animal Testing Center. Suzhou 215011, China;Applied Biology & Chemical Technology, The Hong Kong Polyechnic University. Hung Hom, Kowloon. Hong Kong


Congestive heart failure is a syndrome that is usually initiated by a reduction in pump function of the heart, i.e. a decrease in cardiac output. Initially, a reduction in cardiac output leads to unloading of baroreceptor reflex that, in turn, increases heart rate through vago-sympathetic mechanisms and total peripheral resistance via an increase in sympathetic outflow to vascular beds. In this review we are thinking on how baroreceptor reflex plays a role in the abnormal control of the circulation in heart failure. This review and our recent studies suggest that: (1) baroreceptor reflex is blunted in heart failure; (2) central angiotensin Ⅱ and reactive oxygen species play an important role in blunted baroreceptor reflex; (3) cardiac sympathetic afferent stimulation and chemoreceptor reflex inhibit baroreceptor reflex; and (4) exercise training normalizes abnormal reflexes in the heart failure state.

Key words: baroreceptor reflex; chemoreceptor reflex; heart failure; angiotensin Ⅱ; reactive oxygen species; exercise training

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王玮, 朱国庆, 高列, 谭文, 钱忠明. 心力衰竭状态下的动脉压力感受器反射[J]. 生理学报 2004; 56 (3): .

Wang Wei, Zhu Guoqing, Gao Lie, Tan Wen, Qian Zhongming. Baroreceptor reflex in heart failure. Acta Physiol Sin 2004; 56 (3): (in Chinese with English abstract).